我已经编写了一个函数,可以按照您的建议截断HTML,但是它没有将其打印出来,而是将其全部保存在字符串变量中。也处理 HTML 实体。
* function to truncate and then clean up end of the HTML,
* truncates by counting characters outside of HTML tags
* @author alex lockwood, alex dot lockwood at websightdesign
* @param string $str the string to truncate
* @param int $len the number of characters
* @param string $end the end string for truncation
* @return string $truncated_html
* **/
public static function truncateHTML($str, $len, $end = '…'){
//find all tags
$tagPattern = '/(<\/?)([\w]*)(\s*[^>]*)>?|&[\w#]+;/i'; //match html tags and entities
preg_match_all($tagPattern, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
//WSDDebug::dump($matches); exit;
$i =0;
//loop through each found tag that is within the $len, add those characters to the len,
//also track open and closed tags
// $matches[$i][0] = the whole tag string --the only applicable field for html enitities
// IF its not matching an &htmlentity; the following apply
// $matches[$i][1] = the start of the tag either '<' or '</'
// $matches[$i][2] = the tag name
// $matches[$i][3] = the end of the tag
//$matces[$i][$j][0] = the string
//$matces[$i][$j][1] = the str offest
while($matches[$i][0][1] < $len && !empty($matches[$i])){
$len = $len + strlen($matches[$i][0][0]);
if(substr($matches[$i][0][0],0,1) == '&' )
$len = $len-1;
//if $matches[$i][2] is undefined then its an html entity, want to ignore those for tag counting
//ignore empty/singleton tags for tag counting
if(!empty($matches[$i][2][0]) && !in_array($matches[$i][2][0],array('br','img','hr', 'input', 'param', 'link'))){
//double check
if(substr($matches[$i][3][0],-1) !='/' && substr($matches[$i][1][0],-1) !='/')
$openTags[] = $matches[$i][2][0];
elseif(end($openTags) == $matches[$i][2][0]){
$warnings[] = "html has some tags mismatched in it: $str";
$closeTags = '';
if (!empty($openTags)){
$openTags = array_reverse($openTags);
foreach ($openTags as $t){
$closeTagString .="</".$t . ">";
// Finds the last space from the string new length
$lastWord = strpos($str, ' ', $len);
if ($lastWord) {
//truncate with new len last word
$str = substr($str, 0, $lastWord);
//finds last character
$last_character = (substr($str, -1, 1));
//add the end text
$truncated_html = ($last_character == '.' ? $str : ($last_character == ',' ? substr($str, 0, -1) : $str) . $end);
//restore any open tags
$truncated_html .= $closeTagString;
$truncated_html = $str;
return $truncated_html;