/* This sets the $time variable to the current hour in the 24 hour clock format */
$time = date("H");
/* Set the $timezone variable to become the current timezone */
$timezone = date("e");
/* If the time is less than 1200 hours, show good morning */
if ($time < "12") {
echo "Good morning";
} else
/* If the time is grater than or equal to 1200 hours, but less than 1700 hours, so good afternoon */
if ($time >= "12" && $time < "17") {
echo "Good afternoon";
} else
/* Should the time be between or equal to 1700 and 1900 hours, show good evening */
if ($time >= "17" && $time < "19") {
echo "Good evening";
} else
/* Finally, show good night if the time is greater than or equal to 1900 hours */
if ($time >= "19") {
echo "Good night";