用于创建/操作固定宽度文本文件的 PHP 库

2022-08-30 22:25:10



$icesa_file = new FixedWidthFile();
$icesa_file->addEmployer( $some_data_structure );

其中 icesa.xml 是一个包含规范的文件,尽管您可以使用 OOP 调用自行定义它:

$specification = new FixedWidthFileSpecification('ICESA');
    $record_type_name = 'Employer',
    $record_fields = array(
         array('Field Name', Width, Vailditation Type, options)

编辑:我不是在寻找关于如何编写这样一个库的建议 - 我只是想知道是否已经存在一个。谢谢!!

答案 1


(1) 为固定宽度的字符串编写一个轻量级格式化程序类。它必须支持用户定义的记录类型,并且应该在允许的格式方面具有灵活性

(2) 为您使用的每种文件格式实例化此类,并添加所需的记录类型

(3) 使用此格式化程序格式化数据

如您所建议的,您可以在 XML 中定义记录类型,并在步骤 (2) 中加载此 XML 文件。我不知道你对XML的经验有多丰富,但根据我的经验,XML格式经常会引起很多麻烦(可能是由于我自己对XML的无能)。如果您打算仅在PHP程序中使用这些类,那么在XML中定义格式不会有什么好处。如果还需要在许多其他应用程序中使用文件格式定义,则使用 XML 是一个不错的选择。


include 'FixedWidthFormatter.php' // contains the FixedWidthFormatter class
include 'icesa-format-declaration.php' // contains $icesaFormatter
$file = fopen("icesafile.txt", "w");

fputs ($file, $icesaFormatter->formatRecord( 'A-RECORD', array( 
    'year' => 2011, 
    'tein' => '12-3456789-P',
    'tname'=> 'Willie Nelson'
// output: A2011123456789UTAX     Willie Nelson                                     

// etc...

fclose ($file);


$icesaFormatter = new FixedWidthFormatter();
$icesaFormatter->addRecordType( 'A-RECORD', array(
    // the first field is the record identifier
    // for A records, this is simply the character A
    'record-identifier' => array(
        'value' => 'A',  // constant string
        'length' => 1 // not strictly necessary
                      // used for error checking
    // the year is a 4 digit field
    // it can simply be formatted printf style
    // sourceField defines which key from the input array is used
    'year' =>  array(
        'format' => '% -4d',  // 4 characters, left justified, space padded
        'length' => 4,
        'sourceField' => 'year'
    // the EIN is a more complicated field
    // we must strip hyphens and suffixes, so we define
    // a closure that performs this formatting
    'transmitter-ein' => array(
        'formatter'=> function($EIN){
            $cleanedEIN =  preg_replace('/\D+/','',$EIN); // remove anything that's not a digit
            return sprintf('% -9d', $cleanedEIN); // left justified and padded with blanks
        'length' => 9,
        'sourceField' => 'tein'
    'tax-entity-code' => array(
        'value' => 'UTAX',  // constant string
        'length' => 4
    'blanks' => array(
        'value' => '     ',  // constant string
        'length' => 5
    'transmitter-name' =>  array(
        'format' => '% -50s',  // 50 characters, left justified, space padded
        'length' => 50,
        'sourceField' => 'tname'
    // etc. etc.



class FixedWidthFormatter {

    var $recordTypes = array();

    function addRecordType( $recordTypeName, $recordTypeDeclaration ){
        // perform some checking to make sure that $recordTypeDeclaration is valid
        $this->recordTypes[$recordTypeName] = $recordTypeDeclaration;

    function formatRecord( $type, $data ) {
        if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->recordTypes)) {
            trigger_error("Undefinded record type: '$type'");
            return "";
        $output = '';
        $typeDeclaration = $this->recordTypes[$type];
        foreach($typeDeclaration as $fieldName => $fieldDeclaration) {
            // there are three possible field variants:
            //  - constant fields
            //  - fields formatted with printf
            //  - fields formatted with a custom function/closure
            if (array_key_exists('value',$fieldDeclaration)) {
                $value = $fieldDeclaration['value'];
            } else if (array_key_exists('format',$fieldDeclaration)) {
                $value = sprintf($fieldDeclaration['format'], $data[$fieldDeclaration['sourceField']]);
            } else if (array_key_exists('formatter',$fieldDeclaration)) {
                $value = $fieldDeclaration['formatter']($data[$fieldDeclaration['sourceField']]);
            } else {
                trigger_error("Invalid field declaration for field '$fieldName' record type '$type'");
                return '';

            // check if the formatted value has the right length
            if (strlen($value)!=$fieldDeclaration['length']) {
                trigger_error("The formatted value '$value' for field '$fieldName' record type '$type' is not of correct length ({$fieldDeclaration['length']}).");
                return '';
            $output .= $value;
        return $output . "\n";


如果您还需要读取支持,则可以扩展 Formatter 类以允许读取,但这可能超出了此答案的范围。

答案 2



Posted from the example:

//CSV-Datei mit Festlängen-Werten 
echo "<p>Import aus der Datei fixed.csv</p>"; 
$csv_import2 = new CSVFixImport; 
$csv_import2->addCSVField("Satzart", 2); 
$csv_import2->addCSVField("Typ", 1); 
$csv_import2->addCSVField("Gewichtsklasse", 1); 
$csv_import2->addCSVField("Marke", 4); 
$csv_import2->addCSVField("interne Nummer", 4); 

$csv_import2->addFilter("Satzart", "==", "020"); 
    echo "Anzahl der Datensätze: <b>" . $csv_import2->CSVNumRows() . "</b><br>"; 
    echo "Anzahl der Felder: <b>" . $csv_import2->CSVNumFields() . "</b><br>"; 
    echo "Name des 1.Feldes: <b>" . $csv_import2->CSVFieldName(0) . "</b><br>"; 


