Java 7(及更高版本)
您可以使用以下命令隐式使用 Java 7 中引入的 (请参阅以下答案:X509ExtendedTrustManager
SSLParameters sslParams = new SSLParameters();
sslSocket.setSSLParameters(sslParams); // also works on SSLEngine
我对Android不太熟悉,但Apache HTTP Client应该与它捆绑在一起,所以它并不是一个真正的附加库。因此,您应该能够使用 。(我还没有尝试过这个代码。org.apache.http.conn.ssl.StrictHostnameVerifier
SSLSocketFactory ssf = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
// It's important NOT to resolve the IP address first, but to use the intended name.
SSLSocket socket = (SSLSocket) ssf.createSocket("", 443);
SSLSession session = socket.getSession();
StrictHostnameVerifier verifier = new StrictHostnameVerifier();
if (!verifier.verify(session.getPeerHost(), session)) {
// throw some exception or do something similar.
不幸的是,验证器需要手动实现。Oracle JRE显然有一些主机名验证器实现,但据我所知,它不能通过公共API获得。
public void verifyHostname(SSLSession sslSession)
throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException {
try {
String hostname = sslSession.getPeerHost();
X509Certificate serverCertificate = (X509Certificate) sslSession
Collection<List<?>> subjectAltNames = serverCertificate
if (isIpv4Address(hostname)) {
* IP addresses are not handled as part of RFC 6125. We use the
* RFC 2818 (Section 3.1) behaviour: we try to find it in an IP
* address Subject Alt. Name.
for (List<?> sanItem : subjectAltNames) {
* Each item in the SAN collection is a 2-element list. See
* <a href=
* ""
* >X509Certificate.getSubjectAlternativeNames()</a>. The
* first element in each list is a number indicating the
* type of entry. Type 7 is for IP addresses.
if ((sanItem.size() == 2)
&& ((Integer) sanItem.get(0) == 7)
&& (hostname.equalsIgnoreCase((String) sanItem
.get(1)))) {
throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(
"No IP address in the certificate did not match the requested host name.");
} else {
boolean anyDnsSan = false;
for (List<?> sanItem : subjectAltNames) {
* Each item in the SAN collection is a 2-element list. See
* <a href=
* ""
* >X509Certificate.getSubjectAlternativeNames()</a>. The
* first element in each list is a number indicating the
* type of entry. Type 2 is for DNS names.
if ((sanItem.size() == 2)
&& ((Integer) sanItem.get(0) == 2)) {
anyDnsSan = true;
if (matchHostname(hostname, (String) sanItem.get(1))) {
* If there were not any DNS Subject Alternative Name entries,
* we fall back on the Common Name in the Subject DN.
if (!anyDnsSan) {
String commonName = getCommonName(serverCertificate);
if (commonName != null
&& matchHostname(hostname, commonName)) {
throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(
"No host name in the certificate did not match the requested host name.");
} catch (CertificateParsingException e) {
* It's quite likely this exception would have been thrown in the
* trust manager before this point anyway.
throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(
"Unable to parse the remote certificate to verify its host name: "
+ e.getMessage());
public boolean isIpv4Address(String hostname) {
String[] ipSections = hostname.split("\\.");
if (ipSections.length != 4) {
return false;
for (String ipSection : ipSections) {
try {
int num = Integer.parseInt(ipSection);
if (num < 0 || num > 255) {
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean matchHostname(String hostname, String certificateName) {
if (hostname.equalsIgnoreCase(certificateName)) {
return true;
* Looking for wildcards, only on the left-most label.
String[] certificateNameLabels = certificateName.split(".");
String[] hostnameLabels = certificateName.split(".");
if (certificateNameLabels.length != hostnameLabels.length) {
return false;
* TODO: It could also be useful to check whether there is a minimum
* number of labels in the name, to protect against CAs that would issue
* wildcard certificates too loosely (e.g. *.com).
* We check that whatever is not in the first label matches exactly.
for (int i = 1; i < certificateNameLabels.length; i++) {
if (!hostnameLabels[i].equalsIgnoreCase(certificateNameLabels[i])) {
return false;
* We allow for a wildcard in the first label.
if ("*".equals(certificateNameLabels[0])) {
// TODO match wildcard that are only part of the label.
return true;
return false;
public String getCommonName(X509Certificate cert) {
try {
LdapName ldapName = new LdapName(cert.getSubjectX500Principal()
* Looking for the "most specific CN" (i.e. the last).
String cn = null;
for (Rdn rdn : ldapName.getRdns()) {
if ("CN".equalsIgnoreCase(rdn.getType())) {
cn = rdn.getValue().toString();
return cn;
} catch (InvalidNameException e) {
return null;
/* BouncyCastle implementation, should work with Android. */
public String getCommonName(X509Certificate cert) {
String cn = null;
X500Name x500name = X500Name.getInstance(cert.getSubjectX500Principal()
for (RDN rdn : x500name.getRDNs(BCStyle.CN)) {
// We'll assume there's only one AVA in this RDN.
cn = IETFUtils.valueToString(rdn.getFirst().getValue());
return cn;
- 仅在 SAN 中匹配 IP 地址(此问题与 IP 地址匹配和使用者备用名称有关。也许也可以对IPv6匹配做些什么。
- 通配符匹配。
- 仅当没有 DNS SAN 时才回退到 CN。
- “最具体”CN的真正含义是什么。我以为这是最后一个。(我甚至没有考虑具有多个属性值断言(AVA)的单个CN RDN:BouncyCastle可以处理它们,但据我所知,这是一个非常罕见的情况。
- 我根本没有检查国际化(非ASCII)域名应该发生什么(请参阅RFC 6125)。
为了使我提出的“从Apache HttpComponents借阅”的建议更加具体,我创建了一个小型库,其中包含从Apache HttpComponents中提取的HostnameVerifier实现(最着名的是StrictHostnameVerifier和BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier)。[...]但首先,有什么理由我不这样做吗?
首先,你已经有效地分叉了一个库,你现在必须维护它,这取决于在原始Apache HttpComponents中对这些类所做的进一步更改。我不反对创建一个库(我自己也这样做过,我并不劝阻你这样做),但你必须考虑到这一点。你真的想节省一些空间吗?当然,如果您需要回收空间,有一些工具可以删除最终产品未使用的代码(想到ProGuard)。
其次,即使是StrictHostnameVerifier也不符合RFC 2818或RFC 6125。据我所知,从它的代码中可以看出:
- 它将接受 CN 中的 IP 地址,而它不应该接受。
- 当不存在 DNS SAN 时,它不仅会回退到 CN,而且还会将 CN 视为首选。这可能会导致证书和 SAN,但没有 SAN 在不应该有效的时候有效。
- 我对CN的提取方式有点怀疑。主题 DN 字符串序列化可能有点滑稽,特别是如果某些 RDN 包含逗号,以及某些 RDN 可以有多个 AVA 的尴尬情况。
很难看到一个通用的“更好的方法”。当然,向Apache HttpComponents库提供这种反馈是一种方法。复制和粘贴我之前在上面写的代码当然听起来也不是一个好方法(SO上的代码片段通常不被维护,不是100%测试的,并且可能容易出错)。
更好的方法可能是尝试说服Android开发团队支持与Java 7相同的方法。这仍然留下了遗留设备的问题。SSLParameters