\p{Z} 或 \p{分隔符}:任何类型的空格或不可见的分隔符。
下面的示例代码表明这不适用于 Java。
public static void main(String[] args) {
// some normal white space characters
String str = "word1 \t \n \f \r " + '\u000B' + " word2";
// various regex patterns meant to remove ALL white spaces
String s = str.replaceAll("\\s", "");
String p = str.replaceAll("\\p{Space}", "");
String b = str.replaceAll("\\p{Blank}", "");
String z = str.replaceAll("\\p{Z}", "");
// \\s removed all white spaces
System.out.println("s [" + s + "]\n");
// \\p{Space} removed all white spaces
System.out.println("p [" + p + "]\n");
// \\p{Blank} removed only \t and spaces not \n\f\r
System.out.println("b [" + b + "]\n");
// \\p{Z} removed only spaces not \t\n\f\r
System.out.println("z [" + z + "]\n");
// NOTE: \p{Separator} throws a PatternSyntaxException
try {
String t = str.replaceAll("\\p{Separator}","");
System.out.println("t [" + t + "]\n"); // N/A
} catch ( Exception e ) {
System.out.println("throws " + e.getClass().getName() +
" with message\n" + e.getMessage());
} // public static void main
s [word1word2]
p [word1word2]
b [word1
z [word1
throws java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException with message
Unknown character property name {Separator} near index 12
这些结果还表明,在 Java 中 ,\p{分隔符} 会抛出一个 PatternSyntaxException。