class Replacer:
def __init__(self, replacements):
self.replacements = [[tuple(key), tuple(value)] for key, value in replacements.items()]
def get_possible_replacements(self, input):
"Return all possible variations where a single replacement was done to the input"
result = []
for replace_what, replace_with in self.replacements:
#print replace_what, replace_with
for p in range(1 + len(input) - len(replace_what)):
if input[p : p + len(replace_what)] == replace_what:
input_copy = list(input[:])
input_copy[p : p + len(replace_what)] = replace_with
return result
def get_minimum_sequence_list(self, input):
"Return the shortest irreducible sequence that can be obtained from the given input"
irreducible = []
to_reduce = [tuple(input)]
to_reduce_new = []
step = 1
while to_reduce:
print "Reduction step", step, ", number of candidates to reduce:", len(to_reduce)
step += 1
for current_input in to_reduce:
reductions = self.get_possible_replacements(current_input)
if not reductions:
to_reduce_new += reductions
to_reduce = set(to_reduce_new[:]) # This dramatically reduces the tree width by removing duplicates
to_reduce_new = []
irreducible_sorted = sorted(set(irreducible), key = lambda x: len(x))
#print "".join(input), "could be reduced to any of", ["".join(x) for x in irreducible_sorted]
return irreducible_sorted[0]
def get_minimum_sequence(self, input):
return "".join(self.get_minimum_sequence_list(list(input)))
input = "aaaaa"
replacements = {
"aaba" : "a",
"aaa" : "ab",
"aba" : "bb",
replacer = Replacer(replacements)
replaced = replacer.get_minimum_sequence(input)
print "The shortest string", input, "could be reduced to is", replaced