
2022-09-03 01:13:06



str = str.replace("pattern", "");


答案 1


检查各种实现的文档,如果没有找到匹配项,似乎没有一个要求该方法返回相同的字符串。String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)

如果没有文档中的要求,在找不到匹配项的情况下,实现可能会也可能不会优化方法。最好像编写没有优化一样编写代码,以确保它在 JRE 的任何实现或版本上都能正常运行。

特别是,当找不到匹配项时,Oracle 的实现(版本 8-b123)返回相同的 String 对象,而 GNU Classpath(版本 0.95)无论如何都会返回新的 String 对象。

如果您在任何文档中可以找到任何要求 String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) 在找不到匹配项时返回同一 String 对象的子句,请发表评论。



让我们来看看Oracle的实现和GNU Classpath的方法的实现。String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)

GNU 类路径

注意:截至撰写本文时,这是正确的。虽然链接将来不太可能更改,但链接的内容可能会更改为较新版本的 GNU Classpath,并且可能与下面引用的内容不同步。如果更改影响正确性,请发表评论。

让我们看看GNU Classpath对String.replace(CharSequence,CharSequence)的实现(引用版本0.95)。

public String replace (CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement)
    String targetString = target.toString();
    String replaceString = replacement.toString();
    int targetLength = target.length();
    int replaceLength = replacement.length();

    int startPos = this.indexOf(targetString);
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(this);    
    while (startPos != -1)
        // Replace the target with the replacement
        result.replace(startPos, startPos + targetLength, replaceString);

        // Search for a new occurrence of the target
        startPos = result.indexOf(targetString, startPos + replaceLength);
    return result.toString();

让我们检查一下 StringBuilder.toString() 的源代码。由于这决定了返回值,如果复制缓冲区,则我们不需要进一步检查上面的任何代码。StringBuilder.toString()

 * Convert this <code>StringBuilder</code> to a <code>String</code>. The
 * String is composed of the characters currently in this StringBuilder. Note
 * that the result is a copy, and that future modifications to this buffer
 * do not affect the String.
 * @return the characters in this StringBuilder

public String toString()
    return new String(this);

如果文档无法说服您,只需遵循构造函数即可。最终,调用非公共构造函数 String(char[], int, int, boolean),并将其设置为 ,这意味着新的必须复制缓冲区。Stringboolean dont_copyfalseString

 589:   public String(StringBuilder buffer)
 590:   {
 591:       this(buffer.value, 0, buffer.count);
 592:   }

 245:   public String(char[] data, int offset, int count)
 246:   {
 247:       this(data, offset, count, false);
 248:   }

 594:   /**
 595:    * Special constructor which can share an array when safe to do so.
 596:    *
 597:    * @param data the characters to copy
 598:    * @param offset the location to start from
 599:    * @param count the number of characters to use
 600:    * @param dont_copy true if the array is trusted, and need not be copied
 601:    * @throws NullPointerException if chars is null
 602:    * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if bounds check fails
 603:    */
 604:   String(char[] data, int offset, int count, boolean dont_copy)
 605:   {
 606:       if (offset < 0)
 607:           throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("offset: " + offset);
 608:       if (count < 0)
 609:           throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("count: " + count);
 610:       // equivalent to: offset + count < 0 || offset + count > data.length
 611:       if (data.length - offset < count)
 612:           throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("offset + count: "
 613:                                                   + (offset + count));
 614:       if (dont_copy)
 615:       {
 616:           value = data;
 617:           this.offset = offset;
 618:       }
 619:       else
 620:       {
 621:           value = new char[count];
 622:           VMSystem.arraycopy(data, offset, value, 0, count);
 623:           this.offset = 0;
 624:       }
 625:       this.count = count;
 626:   }

这些证据表明 GNU Classpath 的实现不会返回相同的字符串。String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)



public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) {
    return Pattern.compile(target.toString(), Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(

Matcher.replaceAll(String) 调用函数,并在找不到匹配项时返回它:toString()CharSequence

public String replaceAll(String replacement) {
    boolean result = find();
    if (result) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        do {
            appendReplacement(sb, replacement);
            result = find();
        } while (result);
        return sb.toString();
    return text.toString();

String实现了 CharSequence 接口,并且由于 String 将自身传递到 中,让我们看一下 String.toStringMatcher

public String toString() {
    return this;


答案 2

还行。。在Java 8中。这是当您调用 时发生的情况。myString.replace()

public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) {
    return Pattern.compile(target.toString(), Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(

Pattern.compile(target.toString(), Pattern.LITERAL).matcher( this)目标字符串被编译为文本模式。并通过将调用字符串实例传递给它来调用它。matcher()

现在,matcher() 方法将在此处返回一个新的匹配器。请注意,的字段将是当前对象 (),即被调用的 String 对象。textmatcherthisreplace()

接下来,我们有以下代码:replaceAll()boolean result = find();

public String replaceAll(String replacement) {
    boolean result = find();  --> returns false. 
    if (result) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        do {
            appendReplacement(sb, replacement);
            result = find();
        } while (result);
        return sb.toString();
    return text.toString(); --> same String
   if `find()` returns false, then ,matcher.text is returned which is the original String