使用 Retrofit rxjava concatWith 时的堆栈溢出

2022-09-03 05:05:48

我想使用rxjava Observable在Retrofit中处理分页。我听从了另一个问题的建议。


04-04 04:12:11.766    2951-3012/com.example.app I/dalvikvm﹕ threadid=28: stack overflow on call to Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLongFieldUpdater$CASUpdater;.compareAndSet:ZLJJ
04-04 04:12:11.766    2951-3012/com.example.app I/dalvikvm﹕ method requires 56+20+32=108 bytes, fp is 0x94b52350 (80 left)
04-04 04:12:11.766    2951-3012/com.example.app I/dalvikvm﹕ expanding stack end (0x94b52300 to 0x94b52000)
04-04 04:12:11.766    2951-3012/com.example.app I/dalvikvm﹕ Shrank stack (to 0x94b52300, curFrame is 0x94b548dc)



答案 1


这是我原来的分页答案的另一个有效(可能更简单)的替代方案,现在我已经在我的武器库中开发了更多的Rx技巧。:)(在 java8 lambda 样式的伪代码中完成):

    // Get each page in order.
    .concatMap(page -> getResults(page))
    // Take every result up to and including the one where the next page index is null.
    .takeUntil(result -> result.next == null)
    // Add each output to a list builder. I'm using Guava's ImmutableList, but you could
    // just as easily use a regular ArrayList and avoid having to map afterwards. I just
    // personally prefer outputting an immutable data structure, and using the builder
    // is natural for this.
    // Also, if you wanted to have the observable stream the full output at each page,
    // you could use collect instead of reduce. Note it has a slightly different syntax. 
        (builder, response) -> builder.addAll(response.results))
    // Convert list builder to one List<ResponseObject> of all the things.
    .map(builder -> builder.build())
    .subscribe(results -> { /* Do something with results. */ });

答案 2
