
在执行以下代码时,我使用Android的调试器时有一个奇怪的行为。变量在被小部件初始化后立即消失。我把它移到手表上,但它说.无论我把变量放在哪里,在for循环之前还是在里面,它的行为无论如何都是一样的。我还打印了变量,正如您在代码中看到的那样,它说但是当我检查它时,它不会停止,最后在尝试将其转换为整数时会引发错误。"Cannot find local variable value""value is null"if (value == null)


    for (int i=0; i < (view != null ? ((ViewGroup)view).getChildCount() : 0); i++)
        // Get name of the widget for example field__id,
        // Convert to field name replacing field__id for id
        // or for example field_name to name
        // Check if the field exists in the column name, if so, add the ContentValue
        View widget = ((ViewGroup)view).getChildAt(i);
        String widgetName = view.getResources().getResourceEntryName(widget.getId());
        String fieldName = widgetName.replace(Model.fieldPrefix,"");
        Object value = null;

        if (columnNames.contains(fieldName)) {
            // TableField on the table matches the field on the form
            try {
                if (widget instanceof TextView) {
                    value = ((TextView) widget).getText().toString();
                } else if (widget instanceof Spinner) {
                    value = ((SpinnerRow) ((Spinner) widget).getSelectedItem()).getId();
                } else if (widget instanceof DatePicker) {
                    String date = AppDatabase.formatDateTime( getContext(), ((DatePicker) widget).getYear() + "-" + ((DatePicker) widget).getMonth() + "-" + ((DatePicker) widget).getDayOfMonth());
                    contentValues.put(fieldName, date ) ;
                } else {
                    throw new ClassCastException("Could not cast the widget"+widget.getClass().toString());
                Log.d(AppController.DEBUG_TAG, "Widget "+widgetName+" value is " + value.toString());

            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                // Ignore exception:
                value = null;

            TableField tableField = this.getTable().getFieldByName(fieldName);

            if ( (tableField.isPrimaryKey() && (value.equals("-1") || value.equals("")))
                    || !tableField.getNotNull() && value.toString().length()==0  )
                value = null;

            if ( value == null || tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL ) {
            } else  if (tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING || tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR) {
                contentValues.put(fieldName, String.valueOf(value));
            } else if (tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) {
                contentValues.put(fieldName, Integer.valueOf(value.toString()) );
            } else if (tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT) {
            } else if (tableField.getType() == SQLiteCursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB) {



答案 1

您是否使用带有混淆功能的 proguard?

如果是,则可能是问题所在 - 禁用它


您应该将其与 proguard 规则(通常是 proguard 规则)放在文件中.txt,请检查 build.gradle 文件中的 proguard 配置,如下面的示例所示:

buildTypes {
        debug {
            runProguard true
            zipAlign true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
            signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
            testCoverageEnabled true

答案 2

我遇到了同样的问题。最后,通过从 gradle 构建文件中删除 “testCoverageEnabled true” 来解决。