在多线程 Java 程序中,每个线程都有自己的 System.out 副本吗?

2022-09-03 17:00:38

我正在编写一个多线程Java程序,其中每个线程可能需要将其标准输出重定向到单独的文件。每个线程都有自己的文件。是否可以在“每线程”的基础上重定向 System.out,或者是否跨所有线程对 System.out 进行了全局更改?

答案 1

是否可以在“每线程”的基础上重定向 System.out

不,这是不可能的。 是静态的,并且每个 JVM 都有一个,当 JVM 最初引导时,它作为系统类装入器的一部分进行装入。虽然当然建议对每个线程使用正确的日志记录调用,但我认为有原因导致您无法执行此操作。可能第三方库或其他代码是以这种方式使用的。System.outSystem.out



答案 2

是否可以在“每线程”的基础上重定向 System.out








创建一个 ThreadPrintStream,将其作为 System.out 安装,然后创建并启动 10 个线程。

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Call replaceSystemOut which replaces the
    // normal System.out with a ThreadPrintStream. 

    // Create and start 10 different threads.  Each thread
    // will create its own PrintStream and install it into
    // the ThreadPrintStream and then write three messages
    // to System.out.
    for (int i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
      Thread thread = new Thread(new StreamText());

      // Report to the console that a new thread was started.
      System.out.println("Created and started " + thread.getName());


每个线程的简单 Runnable,它为线程的输出打开一个文件并将其安装到 ThreadPrintStream 中。

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;

/** A small test class that sets System.out for the currently executing
 * thread to a text file and writes three messages to System.out. */
public class StreamText implements Runnable {
  public void run() {
    try {
      // Create a text file where System.out.println()
      // will send its data for this thread.
      String name = Thread.currentThread().getName();
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name + ".txt");

      // Create a PrintStream that will write to the new file.
      PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos));

      // Install the PrintStream to be used as System.out for this thread.

      // Output three messages to System.out.
      System.out.println(name + ": first message");
      System.out.println("This is the second message from " + name);
      System.out.println(name + ": 3rd message");

      // Close System.out for this thread which will
      // flush and close this thread's text file.
    catch (Exception ex) {


Extends java.io.PrintStream.ThreadPrintStream 的对象取代了正常的 System.out,并为每个线程维护一个单独的 java.io.PrintStream。

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;

/** A ThreadPrintStream replaces the normal System.out and ensures
 * that output to System.out goes to a different PrintStream for
 * each thread.  It does this by using ThreadLocal to maintain a
 * PrintStream for each thread. */
public class ThreadPrintStream extends PrintStream {

  /** Changes System.out to a ThreadPrintStream which will
   * send output to a separate file for each thread. */
  public static void replaceSystemOut() {

    // Save the existing System.out
    PrintStream console = System.out;

    // Create a ThreadPrintStream and install it as System.out
    ThreadPrintStream threadOut = new ThreadPrintStream();

    // Use the original System.out as the current thread's System.out

  /** Thread specific storage to hold a PrintStream for each thread */
  private ThreadLocal<PrintStream> out;

  private ThreadPrintStream() {
    super(new ByteArrayOutputStream(0));
    out = new ThreadLocal<PrintStream>();

  /** Sets the PrintStream for the currently executing thread. */
  public void setThreadOut(PrintStream out) {

  /** Returns the PrintStream for the currently executing thread. */
  public PrintStream getThreadOut() {
    return this.out.get();

  @Override public boolean checkError() {
    return getThreadOut().checkError();

  @Override public void write(byte[] buf, int off, int len) {
    getThreadOut().write(buf, off, len);

  @Override public void write(int b) { getThreadOut().write(b); }

  @Override public void flush() { getThreadOut().flush(); }
  @Override public void close() { getThreadOut().close(); }