有没有办法在ES6 / Node 4中创建接口?

ES6 在节点 4 中完全可用。我想知道它是否包括一个接口概念来定义方法契约,如.MyClass implements MyInterface


答案 1



答案 2


class MyInterface {
  // Declare your JS doc in the Interface to make it acceable while writing the Class and for later inheritance
   * Gives the sum of the given Numbers
   * @param {Number} a The first Number
   * @param {Number} b The second Number
   * @return {Number} The sum of the Numbers
  sum(a, b) {
    this._WARNING('sum(a, b)');

  // delcare a warning generator to notice if a method of the interface is not overridden
  // Needs the function name of the Interface method or any String that gives you a hint ;)
  _WARNING(fName = 'unknown method') {
    console.warn('WARNING! Function "' + fName + '" is not overridden in ' + this.constructor.name);

class MultipleInterfaces extends MyInterface {
  // this is used for "implement" multiple Interfaces at once
   * Gives the square of the given Number
   * @param {Number} a The Number
   * @return {Number} The square of the Numbers
  square(a) {

class MyCorrectUsedClass extends MyInterface {
  // You can easy use the JS doc declared in the interface
  /** @inheritdoc */
  sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;
class MyIncorrectUsedClass extends MyInterface {
  // not overriding the method sum(a, b)

class MyMultipleInterfacesClass extends MultipleInterfaces {
  // nothing overriden to show, that it still works

let working = new MyCorrectUsedClass();

let notWorking = new MyIncorrectUsedClass();

let multipleInterfacesInstance = new MyMultipleInterfacesClass();


console.log('working.sum(1, 2) =', working.sum(1, 2));
// output: 'working.sum(1, 2) = 3'

console.log('notWorking.sum(1, 2) =', notWorking.sum(1, 2));
// output: 'notWorking.sum(1, 2) = undefined'
// but also sends a warn to the console with 'WARNING! Function "sum(a, b)" is not overridden in MyIncorrectUsedClass'

console.log('multipleInterfacesInstance.sum(1, 2) =', multipleInterfacesInstance.sum(1, 2));
// output: 'multipleInterfacesInstance.sum(1, 2) = undefined'
// console warn: 'WARNING! Function "sum(a, b)" is not overridden in MyMultipleInterfacesClass'

console.log('multipleInterfacesInstance.square(2) =', multipleInterfacesInstance.square(2));
// output: 'multipleInterfacesInstance.square(2) = undefined'
// console warn: 'WARNING! Function "square(a)" is not overridden in MyMultipleInterfacesClass'


我改进了代码,因此您现在可以简单地在.implement(baseClass, interface1, interface2, ...)extends

 * Implements any number of interfaces to a given class.
 * @param cls The class you want to use
 * @param interfaces Any amount of interfaces separated by comma
 * @return The class cls exteded with all methods of all implemented interfaces
function implement(cls, ...interfaces) {
  let clsPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(cls).prototype;
  for (let i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
    let proto = interfaces[i].prototype;
    for (let methodName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto)) {
      if (methodName !== 'constructor')
        if (typeof proto[methodName] === 'function')
          if (!clsPrototype[methodName]) {
            console.warn('WARNING! "' + methodName + '" of Interface "' + interfaces[i].name + '" is not declared in class "' + cls.name + '"');
            clsPrototype[methodName] = proto[methodName];
  return cls;

// Basic Interface to warn, whenever an not overridden method is used
class MyBaseInterface {
  // declare a warning generator to notice if a method of the interface is not overridden
  // Needs the function name of the Interface method or any String that gives you a hint ;)
  _WARNING(fName = 'unknown method') {
    console.warn('WARNING! Function "' + fName + '" is not overridden in ' + this.constructor.name);

// create a custom class
/* This is the simplest example but you could also use
 *  class MyCustomClass1 extends implement(MyBaseInterface) {
 *      foo() {return 66;}
 *  }
class MyCustomClass1 extends MyBaseInterface {
  foo() {
    return 66;

// create a custom interface
class MyCustomInterface1 {
  // Declare your JS doc in the Interface to make it acceable while writing the Class and for later inheritance

   * Gives the sum of the given Numbers
   * @param {Number} a The first Number
   * @param {Number} b The second Number
   * @return {Number} The sum of the Numbers
  sum(a, b) {
    this._WARNING('sum(a, b)');

// and another custom interface
class MyCustomInterface2 {
   * Gives the square of the given Number
   * @param {Number} a The Number
   * @return {Number} The square of the Numbers
  square(a) {

// Extend your custom class even more and implement the custom interfaces
class AllInterfacesImplemented extends implement(MyCustomClass1, MyCustomInterface1, MyCustomInterface2) {
   * @inheritdoc
  sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

   * Multiplies two Numbers
   * @param {Number} a The first Number
   * @param {Number} b The second Number
   * @return {Number}
  multiply(a, b) {
    return a * b;


let x = new AllInterfacesImplemented();

console.log("x.foo() =", x.foo());
//output: 'x.foo() = 66'

console.log("x.square(2) =", x.square(2));
// output: 'x.square(2) = undefined
// console warn: 'WARNING! Function "square(a)" is not overridden in AllInterfacesImplemented'

console.log("x.sum(1, 2) =", x.sum(1, 2));
// output: 'x.sum(1, 2) = 3'

console.log("x.multiply(4, 5) =", x.multiply(4, 5));
// output: 'x.multiply(4, 5) = 20'