在 strpos 中使用数组作为针

2022-08-30 07:32:10

在搜索字符串时,如何使用 用于针阵列?例如:strpos

$find_letters = array('a', 'c', 'd');
$string = 'abcdefg';

if(strpos($string, $find_letters) !== false)
    echo 'All the letters are found in the string!';


答案 1

从 http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strpos.php#107351 @Dave更新的代码段

function strposa($haystack, $needles=array(), $offset=0) {
        $chr = array();
        foreach($needles as $needle) {
                $res = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
                if ($res !== false) $chr[$needle] = $res;
        if(empty($chr)) return false;
        return min($chr);


$string = 'Whis string contains word "cheese" and "tea".';
$array  = array('burger', 'melon', 'cheese', 'milk');

if (strposa($string, $array, 1)) {
    echo 'true';
} else {
    echo 'false';

将返回,因为 .truearray"cheese"


function strposa(string $haystack, array $needles, int $offset = 0): bool 
    foreach($needles as $needle) {
        if(strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset) !== false) {
            return true; // stop on first true result

    return false;
$string = 'This string contains word "cheese" and "tea".';
$array  = ['burger', 'melon', 'cheese', 'milk'];
var_dump(strposa($string, $array)); // will return true, since "cheese" has been found

答案 2


$find_letters = array('a', 'c', 'd');
$string = 'abcdefg';
$match = (str_replace($find_letters, '', $string) != $string);