2022-08-30 07:06:48
$postarray['post_content'] = $d->saveXML($d->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(0));
仅当内容内部没有块级元素时才有效。但是,当它这样做时,如下面的示例中的 h1 元素所示,saveXML 的结果输出将被截断为...
function rseo_decorate_keyword($postarray) {
global $post;
$keyword = "Jasmine Tea"
$content = "If you like <h1>jasmine tea</h1> you will really like it with Jasmine Tea flavors. This is the last ocurrence of the phrase jasmine tea within the content. If there are other instances of the keyword jasmine tea within the text what happens to jasmine tea."
$d = new DOMDocument();
$x = new DOMXpath($d);
$count = $x->evaluate("count(//text()[contains(translate(., 'ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '$keyword') and (ancestor::b or ancestor::strong)])");
if ($count > 0) return $postarray;
$nodes = $x->query("//text()[contains(translate(., 'ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghjiklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '$keyword') and not(ancestor::h1) and not(ancestor::h2) and not(ancestor::h3) and not(ancestor::h4) and not(ancestor::h5) and not(ancestor::h6) and not(ancestor::b) and not(ancestor::strong)]");
if ($nodes && $nodes->length) {
$node = $nodes->item(0);
// Split just before the keyword
$keynode = $node->splitText(strpos($node->textContent, $keyword));
// Split after the keyword
// Replace keyword with <b>keyword</b>
$replacement = $d->createElement('strong', $keynode->textContent);
$keynode->parentNode->replaceChild($replacement, $keynode);
$postarray['post_content'] = $d->saveXML($d->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(0));
// $postarray['post_content'] = $d->saveXML($d->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(1));
// $postarray['post_content'] = $d->saveXML($d->getElementsByTagName('body')->childNodes);
return $postarray;