

答案 1

抛出异常 - 它们旨在被捕获。错误通常是不可恢复的。例如,假设 - 你有一个代码块,可以将一行插入到数据库中。此调用可能失败(重复 ID) - 您将需要一个“错误”,在本例中为“异常”。插入这些行时,可以执行类似如下操作

try {
  $inserted = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo "There was an error inserting the row - ".$e->getMessage();
  $inserted = false;

echo "Some more stuff";

程序执行将继续 - 因为您“捕获”了异常。除非捕获异常,否则将被视为错误。它也将允许您在程序失败后继续执行程序。

答案 2


在调试情况下,我还有一个异常处理程序,它输出一个 页面。我正在路上发布这个,但如果有要求,我会稍后发布示例源代码。




define( 'DEBUG', true );

class ErrorOrWarningException extends Exception
    protected $_Context = null;
    public function getContext()
        return $this->_Context;
    public function setContext( $value )
        $this->_Context = $value;
    public function __construct( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context )
        parent::__construct( $message, $code );

        $this->file = $file;
        $this->line = $line;
        $this->setContext( $context );

 * Inspire to write perfect code. everything is an exception, even minor warnings.
function error_to_exception( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context )
    throw new ErrorOrWarningException( $code, $message, $file, $line, $context );
set_error_handler( 'error_to_exception' );

function global_exception_handler( $ex )
    dump_exception( $ex );
    $dump = ob_get_clean();
    // send email of dump to administrator?...

    // if we are in debug mode we are allowed to dump exceptions to the browser.
    if ( defined( 'DEBUG' ) && DEBUG == true )
        echo $dump;
    else // if we are in production we give our visitor a nice message without all the details.
        echo file_get_contents( 'static/errors/fatalexception.html' );

function dump_exception( Exception $ex )
    $file = $ex->getFile();
    $line = $ex->getLine();

    if ( file_exists( $file ) )
        $lines = file( $file );
        <title><?= $ex->getMessage(); ?></title>
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                width : 800px;
                margin : auto;
            ul.code {
                border : inset 1px;
            ul.code li {
                white-space: pre ;
                list-style-type : none;
                font-family : monospace;
            ul.code li.line {
                color : red;
            table.trace {
                width : 100%;
                border-collapse : collapse;
                border : solid 1px black;
            table.thead tr {
                background : rgb(240,240,240);
            table.trace tr.odd {
                background : white;
            table.trace tr.even {
                background : rgb(250,250,250);
            table.trace td {
                padding : 2px 4px 2px 4px;
        <h1>Uncaught <?= get_class( $ex ); ?></h1>
        <h2><?= $ex->getMessage(); ?></h2>
            An uncaught <?= get_class( $ex ); ?> was thrown on line <?= $line; ?> of file <?= basename( $file ); ?> that prevented further execution of this request.
        <h2>Where it happened:</h2>
        <? if ( isset($lines) ) : ?>
        <code><?= $file; ?></code>
        <ul class="code">
            <? for( $i = $line - 3; $i < $line + 3; $i ++ ) : ?>
                <? if ( $i > 0 && $i < count( $lines ) ) : ?>
                    <? if ( $i == $line-1 ) : ?>
                        <li class="line"><?= str_replace( "\n", "", $lines[$i] ); ?></li>
                    <? else : ?>
                        <li><?= str_replace( "\n", "", $lines[$i] ); ?></li>
                    <? endif; ?>
                <? endif; ?>
            <? endfor; ?>
        <? endif; ?>

        <? if ( is_array( $ex->getTrace() ) ) : ?>
        <h2>Stack trace:</h2>
            <table class="trace">
                <? foreach ( $ex->getTrace() as $i => $trace ) : ?>
                    <tr class="<?= $i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'; ?>">
                        <td><?= isset($trace[ 'file' ]) ? basename($trace[ 'file' ]) : ''; ?></td>
                        <td><?= isset($trace[ 'line' ]) ? $trace[ 'line' ] : ''; ?></td>
                        <td><?= isset($trace[ 'class' ]) ? $trace[ 'class' ] : ''; ?></td>
                        <td><?= isset($trace[ 'function' ]) ? $trace[ 'function' ] : ''; ?></td>
                            <? if( isset($trace[ 'args' ]) ) : ?>
                                <? foreach ( $trace[ 'args' ] as $i => $arg ) : ?>
                                    <span title="<?= var_export( $arg, true ); ?>"><?= gettype( $arg ); ?></span>
                                    <?= $i < count( $trace['args'] ) -1 ? ',' : ''; ?> 
                                <? endforeach; ?>
                            <? else : ?>
                            <? endif; ?>
                <? endforeach;?>
        <? else : ?>
            <pre><?= $ex->getTraceAsString(); ?></pre>
        <? endif; ?>
</html><? // back in php
set_exception_handler( 'global_exception_handler' );

class X
    function __construct()
        trigger_error( 'Whoops!', E_USER_NOTICE );      

$x = new X();

throw new Exception( 'Execution will never get here' );

