* Add async or defer attributes to script enqueues
* @author Mike Kormendy
* @param String $tag The original enqueued <script src="...> tag
* @param String $handle The registered unique name of the script
* @return String $tag The modified <script async|defer src="...> tag
// only on the front-end
if(!is_admin()) {
function add_asyncdefer_attribute($tag, $handle) {
// if the unique handle/name of the registered script has 'async' in it
if (strpos($handle, 'async') !== false) {
// return the tag with the async attribute
return str_replace( '<script ', '<script async ', $tag );
// if the unique handle/name of the registered script has 'defer' in it
else if (strpos($handle, 'defer') !== false) {
// return the tag with the defer attribute
return str_replace( '<script ', '<script defer ', $tag );
// otherwise skip
else {
return $tag;
add_filter('script_loader_tag', 'add_asyncdefer_attribute', 10, 2);
function enqueue_my_scripts() {
// script to load asynchronously
wp_register_script('firstscript-async', '//www.domain.com/somescript.js', '', 2, false);
// script to be deferred
wp_register_script('secondscript-defer', '//www.domain.com/otherscript.js', '', 2, false);
// standard script embed
wp_register_script('thirdscript', '//www.domain.com/anotherscript.js', '', 2, false);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_my_scripts', 9999);
<script async type='text/javascript' src='//www.domain.com/somescript.js'></script>
<script defer type='text/javascript' src='//www.domain.com/otherscript.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='//www.domain.com/anothercript.js'></script>
感谢@MattKeys @crissoca在这里启发我的答案。