if (empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) &&
strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post') {
//catch file overload error...
$postMax = ini_get('post_max_size'); //grab the size limits...
echo "<p style=\"color: #F00;\">\nPlease note files larger than {$postMax} will result in this error!<br>Please be advised this is not a limitation in the CMS, This is a limitation of the hosting server.<br>For various reasons they limit the max size of uploaded files, if you have access to the php ini file you can fix this by changing the post_max_size setting.<br> If you can't then please ask your host to increase the size limits, or use the FTP uploaded form</p>"; // echo out error and solutions...
addForm(); //bounce back to the just filled out form.
else {
// continue on with processing of the page...