function unserializeDump($str, &$i = 0) {
$strtok = substr($str, $i);
switch ($type = strtok($strtok, "(")) { // get type, before first parenthesis
case "bool":
return strtok(")") === "true"?(bool) $i += 10:!$i += 11;
case "int":
$int = (int)substr($str, $i + 4);
$i += strlen($int) + 5;
return $int;
case "string":
$i += 11 + ($len = (int)substr($str, $i + 7)) + strlen($len);
return substr($str, $i - $len - 1, $len);
case "float":
return (float)($float = strtok(")")) + !$i += strlen($float) + 7;
case "NULL":
return NULL;
case "array":
$array = array();
$len = (int)substr($str, $i + 6);
$i = strpos($str, "\n", $i) - 1;
for ($entries = 0; $entries < $len; $entries++) {
$i = strpos($str, "\n", $i);
$indent = -1 - (int)$i + $i = strpos($str, "[", $i);
// get key int/string
if ($str[$i + 1] == '"') {
// use longest possible sequence to avoid key and dump structure collisions
$key = substr($str, $i + 2, - 2 - $i + $i = strpos($str, "\"]=>\n ", $i));
} else {
$key = (int)substr($str, $i + 1);
$i += strlen($key);
$i += $indent + 5; // jump line
$array[$key] = unserializeDump($str, $i);
$i = strpos($str, "}", $i) + 1;
return $array;
case "object":
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(strtok(")"));
$object = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
$len = !strtok("(") + strtok(")");
$i = strpos($str, "\n", $i) - 1;
for ($entries = 0; $entries < $len; $entries++) {
$i = strpos($str, "\n", $i);
$indent = -1 - (int)$i + $i = strpos($str, "[", $i);
// use longest possible sequence to avoid key and dump structure collisions
$key = substr($str, $i + 2, - 2 - $i + $i = min(strpos($str, "\"]=>\n ", $i)?:INF, strpos($str, "\":protected]=>\n ", $i)?:INF, $priv = strpos($str, "\":\"", $i)?:INF));
if ($priv == $i) {
$ref = new ReflectionClass(substr($str, $i + 3, - 3 - $i + $i = strpos($str, "\":private]=>\n ", $i)));
$i += $indent + 13; // jump line
} else {
$i += $indent + ($str[$i+1] == ":"?15:5); // jump line
$ref = $reflection;
$prop = $ref->getProperty($key);
$prop->setValue($object, unserializeDump($str, $i));
$i = strpos($str, "}", $i) + 1;
return $object;
throw new Exception("Type not recognized...: $type");