Github API 列出所有存储库和存储库的内容

2022-08-30 14:16:41


我浏览了相关链接 - 但仍然不知道如何实现这一目标。

-Github 列出所有 Repo 的

-Github 列出所有 Repo 内容

答案 1


它使用此 ajax 调用来列出所有用户公共存储库:

$("#btn_get_repos").click(function() {
        type: "GET",
        url: "",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(result) {
            for(var i in result ) {
                    "<li><a href='" + result[i].html_url + "' target='_blank'>" +
                    result[i].name + "</a></li>"
                console.log("i: " + i);
            $("#repo_count").append("Total Repos: " + result.length);

要查看返回的数据类型,只需在单击按钮后检查控制台,或者您可以安装Google Chromes JSONView扩展程序,然后只需访问ajax请求正在创建的网址,即

答案 2


  // for example your user
  $user = 'flesheater';

  // A token that you could generate from your own github 
  // go here and create a token
  // then replace the next string
  $token = 'ced38b0e522a5c5e8ab10';

  // We generate the url for curl
  $curl_url = '' . $user . '/repos';

  // We generate the header part for the token
  $curl_token_auth = 'Authorization: token ' . $token;

  // We make the actuall curl initialization
  $ch = curl_init($curl_url);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

  // We set the right headers: any user agent type, and then the custom token header part that we generated
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('User-Agent: Awesome-Octocat-App', $curl_token_auth));

  // We execute the curl
  $output = curl_exec($ch);

  // And we make sure we close the curl       

  // Then we decode the output and we could do whatever we want with it
  $output = json_decode($output);

  if (!empty($output)) {
    // now you could just foreach the repos and show them
    foreach ($output as $repo) {
      print '<a href="' . $repo->html_url . '">' . $repo->name . '</a><br />';

