global variable in laravel

2022-08-30 17:23:12

In PHP, I used to define some variables in my and use them in all my pages. How can I have something like that in Laravel?header.php

I am not talking about View::share('xx', 'xx' );

Assume I want to have a variable which holds a number in it and I need this number inside all my controllers to calculate something.

答案 1

Sounds like a good candidate for a configuration file.

Create a new one, let's call it :calculations.php

Laravel ~4ish:


Laravel 5,6,7+:


Then put stuff in the new config file:

<?php return [ 'some_key' => 42 ];

Then retrieve the config in your code somewhere (note the file name becomes a "namespace" of sorts for the config item):

echo Config::get('calculations.some_key'); // 42 in Laravel ~4
echo config('calculations.some_key'); // 42 in Laravel ~5,6,7+

答案 2

Set a property on the , which should be located in your directory.BaseControllercontrollers

Your controllers should extend the class and thus inherit its properties.BaseController
