class myClass {
public function overloadedMethod() {
// func_num_args() is a build-in function that returns an Integer.
// the number of parameters passed to the method.
if ( func_num_args() > 1 ) {
$param1 = func_get_arg(0);
$param2 = func_get_arg(1);
} else {
$param1 = func_get_arg(0);
protected function _overloadedMethodImplementation1($param1) {
// code 1
protected function _overloadedMethodImplementation2($param1,$param2) {
// code 2
// file: MyBackupInterface.php
interface MyBackupInterface {
// saves the data on a reliable storage
public function saveData();
public function setData();
// file: myBackupAbstract.php
require_once 'MyBackupInterface.php';
class MyBackupAbstract implements MyBackupInterface {
protected $_data;
public function setData($data) {
$this->_data= $data;
// there is no abstract modifier in PHP. so le'ts avoid this class to be used in other ways
public function __construct() {
throw new Exception('this class is abstract. you can not instantiate it');
// file: BackupToDisk.php
require_once 'MyBackupAbstract.php';
class BackupToDisk extends MyBackupAbstract {
protected $_savePath;
// implement other methods ...
public function saveData() {
// file_put_contents() is a built-in function to save a string into a file.
file_put_contents($this->_savePath, $this->_data);
// file: BackupToWebService.php
require_once 'MyBackupAbstract.php';
class BackupToWebService extends MyBackupAbstract {
protected $_webService;
// implement other methods ...
public function saveData() {
// suppose sendData() is implemented in the class
// file: saveMyData.php
// some code to populate $myData
$backupSolutions = array( new BackupToDisk('/tmp/backup') , new BackupToWebService('webserviceURL') );
foreach ( $backupSolutions as $bs ) {