由于输入格式为所有余额分配数字,因此最简单的方法是将这些索引用于结构数组。如果可以假设余额少于 2^31,则可以使用 32 位 int 而不是 64 位指针来节省内存。(负索引是空的哨兵,就像基于指针的树/列表实现中的 NULL 指针一样)
struct balance {
// weights sitting directly on the pans of this balance
float weight_left, weight_right; // or unsigned int; the question only said the balance-count was an int. I assumed the balance-IDs were int, too
// optionally: float adjustment; // For recording our changes. negative or positive for adding to left or right balance.
// references to other balances: negative means empty-list, otherwise index into an array.
int next; // linked-list of sibling balances on the same pan of a parent
int left, right; // list-heads for balances on the left and right pan
- 子树可以单独平衡,而无需有关任何其他余额的任何信息。
- 砝码和其他天平平衡的组合构成左右平底锅的负载并不重要。你只需要这两个总数。通过将重量直接添加到较轻的平底锅中来平衡。
- 在平衡其所有子树后平衡余额。您可以在平衡子树的同时将子树的权重相加。
static const float BALANCE_WEIGHT = 10.0f;
// return total weight of the balance and everything on it, including the 10.0f that this balance weighs
// modify the .weight_left or .weight_right of every node that needs it, in the subtrees of this node
float balance(struct balance storage[], int current)
float lweight = 0, rweight = 0;
// C++ can make this more readable:
// struct balance &cur = storage[current];
// loop over all the left and then right children, totalling them up
// depth-first search, since we recurse/descend before doing anything else with the current
for (int i = storage[current].left ; i >= 0 ; i = storage[i].next )
lweight += balance(storage, i);
for (int i = storage[current].right; i >= 0 ; i = storage[i].next )
rweight += balance(storage, i);
lweight += storage[current].weight_left;
rweight += storage[current].weight_right;
float correction = fabsf(rweight - lweight);
// modify the data structure in-place with the correction.
// TODO: print, or add to some other data structure to record the changes
if (lweight < rweight) {
storage[current].weight_left += correction;
} else {
storage[current].weight_right += correction;
return BALANCE_WEIGHT + rweight + lweight + correction;
要记录您所做的更改,请在数据结构中使用额外的字段,或者在从深度优先平衡中恢复时销毁原始数据(因为不再需要它)。例如,如果左侧需要添加重量,则存储,否则反其道而行之。.weight_left = correction; .weight_right = 0;
如果存在全局数组,则此实现将使用较少的堆栈空间,而不是每个递归调用都必须传递指针。这是一个额外的值,必须在寄存器调用ABI中保存/恢复,并在堆栈调用ABI(如32bit x86)中直接占用额外空间。storage
所有涉及当前节点的计算都发生在最后,而不是在开始时读取它们,然后必须重新读取它们以进行+=读取 - 修改 - 写入。编译器无法进行此优化,因为它无法知道数据结构没有周期,从而导致修改其中一个权重。weight_left
出于某种原因,x86 gcc 5.2 将其编译为非常庞大的代码。它更理智与. 确实没问题,但错过了一些优化。-O3