关键是使用类似 array_count_values()
$array = [238, 7, 86, 79, 55, 92, 55, 7, 254, 9, 75, 238, 89, 238];
// Get array of (value => count) pairs, sorted by descending count
$counts = array_count_values($array);
// array(238 => 3, 55 => 2, 7 => 2, 75 => 1, 89 => 1, 9 => 1, ...)
// An array with the first (top) 5 counts
$top_with_count = array_slice($counts, 0, 5, true);
// array(238 => 3, 55 => 2, 7 => 2, 75 => 1, 89 => 1)
// An array with just the values
$top = array_keys($top_with_count);
// array(238, 55, 7, 75, 89)