Java try/catch 性能,是否建议将 try 子句中的内容保持在最低限度?
2022-09-01 08:48:09
doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
//do some assignements calculations
doAnotherThing() //this method may also throw the same type of checked exception
//more calls to methods and calculations, all throwing the same kind of exceptions.
我的问题是,是否建议将 try catch 内的行保持在最低限度?,即只在 try 子句中包含可以实际抛出您正在捕获的异常的行。try 子句中的代码是否运行速度较慢或导致任何性能下降?
try {
doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
//do some assignements calculations
doAnotherThing() //this method may also throw the same type of checked exception
//more calls to methods and calculations, all throwing the same kind of exceptions.
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
//handle it
try {
doSomething() // this method may throw a checked a exception
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
//Store my exception in a Map (this is all running in a loop and I want it to continue running, but I also want to know which loops didn't complete and why)
//do some assignements calculations
try {
doAnotherThing() // this method may throw a checked a exception
catch (MyCheckedException e) {
//Store my exception in a Map (this is all running in a loop and I want it to continue running, but I also want to know which loops didn't complete and why)