该变量始终存储数组中的最大可到达位置。 存储到达该位置所需的跳跃量。 存储我们仍然可以执行的步骤量(并使用第一个数组位置的步数初始化)maxReach
接下来,我们更新最大可到达位置。这等于 和 的最大值(我们可以从当前位置采取的步数)。maxReach
如果没有更多的步骤(即 ,那么我们必须使用跳转。因此增加.由于我们知道有可能以某种方式达到 ,我们将步骤初始化为从位置到达的步骤量。steps=0
public class Solution {
public int jump(int[] A) {
if (A.length <= 1)
return 0;
int maxReach = A[0];
int step = A[0];
int jump = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < A.length; i++) {
if (i == A.length - 1)
return jump;
if (i + A[i] > maxReach)
maxReach = i + A[i];
if (step == 0) {
step = maxReach - i;
return jump;
int A[] = {1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9}
int maxReach = A[0]; // A[0]=1, so the maximum index we can reach at the moment is 1.
int step = A[0]; // A[0] = 1, the amount of steps we can still take is also 1.
int jump = 1; // we will always need to take at least one jump.
* First iteration (i=1)
if (i + A[i] > maxReach) // 1+3 > 1, we can reach further now!
maxReach = i + A[i] // maxReach = 4, we now know that index 4 is the largest index we can reach.
step-- // we used a step to get to this index position, so we decrease it
if (step == 0) {
++jump; // we ran out of steps, this means that we have made a jump
// this is indeed the case, we ran out of the 1 step we started from. jump is now equal to 2.
// but we can continue with the 3 steps received at array position 2.
steps = maxReach-i // we know that by some combination of 2 jumps, we can reach position 4.
// therefore in the current situation, we can minimaly take 3
// more steps to reach position 4 => step = 3
* Second iteration (i=2)
if (i + A[i] > maxReach) // 2+5 > 4, we can reach further now!
maxReach = i + A[i] // maxReach = 7, we now know that index 7 is the largest index we can reach.
step-- // we used a step so now step = 2
if (step==0){
// step
* Second iteration (i=3)
if (i + A[i] > maxReach) // 3+8 > 7, we can reach further now!
maxReach = i + A[i] // maxReach = 11, we now know that index 11 is the largest index we can reach.
step-- // we used a step so now step = 1
if (step==0){
// step
* Third iteration (i=4)
if (i + A[i] > maxReach) // 4+9 > 11, we can reach further now!
maxReach = i + A[i] // maxReach = 13, we now know that index 13 is the largest index we can reach.
step-- // we used a step so now step = 0
if (step == 0) {
++jump; // we ran out of steps, this means that we have made a jump.
// jump is now equal to 3.
steps = maxReach-i // there exists a combination of jumps to reach index 13, so
// we still have a budget of 9 steps
* remaining iterations
// nothing much changes now until we reach the end of the array.
public static int minimum_steps(int[] array) {
int[] min_to_end = new int[array.length];
for (int i = array.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
if (array[i] <= 0)
min_to_end[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else {
int minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int k = 1; k <= array[i]; ++k) {
if (i + k < array.length)
minimum = Math.min(min_to_end[i+k], minimum);
min_to_end[i] = minimum + 1;
return min_to_end[0];
给定数组为输入:a[] = {1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 2, 6, 7, 6, 8, 9}。
现在我们从第一个元素开始,即 i=0 和 a[i] = 1。因此,看到这一点,我们最多可以进行1次跳跃,因此由于我们没有任何其他选择,因此我们实现这一步。
目前我们处于 i=1 和 a[i]=3。因此,我们目前可以进行大小为3的跳跃,但是相反,我们考虑从当前位置可以进行的所有可能的跳跃,并达到数组范围内的最大距离。那么我们的选择是什么呢?我们可以跳跃1步,或2步或3步。因此,我们从当前位置调查每个大小的跳跃,并选择可以最大限度地将我们带入数组的跳跃。
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