function main(){
$locker = new SessionLocking();
/** read elements the $_SESSION "cached" copy. **/
$var1 = $_SESSION['var1'];
$var2 = $_SESSION['var2'];
/** Pseudo Atomic Read **/
$locker->lock(); //session is locked against concurrent access.
$var3 = $_SESSION['var3'];
$locker->unlock(); //session is committed to disk (or other) and can be accessed by another script.
/** Psuedo Atomic Write **/
$locker->lock(); //session is locked against concurrent access.
$_SESSION['var4'] = "Some new value";
$locker->unlock(); //session is committed to disk (or other) and can be accessed by another script
CLASS SessionLocking {
private static $lockCounter=0;
private static $isLoaded=false;
function __constructor(){
if (!self::$isLoaded) load();
private function load(){
private function lock(){
if ($lockCounter<1) try {session_start();} Catch(){}
private function unlock(){
if ($lockCount<1) return;
if ($lockCounter<1) try {session_write_close();} Catch(){}