import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
@Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> arg;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// init the @Captor
public void testWithTimeoutCallOrderDoesntMatter() throws Exception {
// there must be exactly 99 calls
verify(myMock, timeout(5000).times(99)).myMethod(arg.capture());
assertThat(arg.getAllValues(), hasItem("expectedArg"));
public void testWithTimeoutFollowingCallsDoNotMatter() throws Exception {
// the order until expected arg is specific
verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("firstExpectedArg");
verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("expectedArg");
// no need to tell more, if additional calls come after the expected arg
// verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("randomArg");