Nashorn和Scala未来向JS Promise转换

2022-09-01 04:00:06


对于同构/服务器端渲染设置,我不想将服务更改为阻塞,因此我从Scala Future->转换开始,如下所示java.util.function.Function

但是Flux中的调度员希望有JS Promise。到目前为止,我发现只有相当复杂的声音方式围绕这个幻灯片68-81

有没有推荐的方法来处理这个Scala Future ->JS Promise转换?

答案 1

我将尝试回答Scala Future to JS Promise的部分问题。由于您没有提供示例。我将在这里提供一个转换。如果我们说我们在Scala中以这种方式实现了未来:

val f: Future = Future {

f onComplete {
  case Success(data) => println(data)
  case Failure(t) => println(t.getMessage)

那么 JavaScript/ES6 中的相应代码可能如下所示:

var f = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {  

f.then((data) => {   
}).catch((t) => {


|              Future               |        Promise         |                                                 Notes                                                 |
| foreach(func)                     | then(func)             | Executes func for its side-effects when the future completes.                                         |
| map(func)                         | then(func)             | The result of func is wrapped in a new future.                                                        |
| flatMap(func)                     | then(func)             | func must return a future.                                                                            |
| recover(func)                     | catch(func)            | Handles an error. The result of func is wrapped in a new future.                                      |
| recoverWith(func)                 | catch(func)            | Handles an error. func must return a future.                                                          |
| filter(predicate)                 | N/A                    | Creates a new future by filtering the value of the current future with a predicate.                   |
| zip(that)                         | N/A                    | Zips the values of this and that future, and creates a new future holding the tuple of their results. |
| Future.successful(value)          | Promise.resolve(value) | Returns a successful future containing value                                                          |
| Future.failed(exception)          | Promise.reject(value)  | Returns a failed future containing exception                                                          |
| Future.sequence(iterable)         | Promise.all(iterable)  | Returns a future that completes when all of the futures in the iterable argument have been completed. |
| Future.firstCompletedOf(iterable) | Promise.race(iterable) | Returns a future that completes as soon as one of the futures in the iterable completes.              |

答案 2