

if this
      then this
else if
      then this
. // hundreds of lines of rules


public interface Specification {

boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object o);

Specification and(Specification specification);

Specification or(Specification specification);

Specification not(Specification specification);

public abstract class AbstractSpecification implements Specification {

public abstract boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object o);

public Specification and(final Specification specification) {
 return new AndSpecification(this, specification);

public Specification or(final Specification specification) {
 return new OrSpecification(this, specification);

 public Specification not(final Specification specification) {
 return new NotSpecification(specification);

然后实现Is,And,Or方法但我认为这不能省去我写的if else(可能是我的理解不正确)...

有没有最好的方法来实现这样的业务规则,有这么多的if else语句?


    If <A> = 'something' and <B> = ‘something’ then
    If <C> = ‘02’ and <D> <> ‘02’ and < E> <> ‘02’  then
    Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> <> ‘02’  then
    Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> <> ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’  then
    Else if <H> <> ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’  then 
    Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> <> ‘02’  then 
    Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> <> ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’  then 
    Else if <H> = ‘02’ and <I> = ‘02’ and <J> = ‘02’  then:
        If <Q> = Y then
        Else then 
Else :
Value of <Z>

答案 1

您应该查看规则设计模式 http://www.michael-whelan.net/rules-design-pattern/。它看起来与您提供的示例代码非常相似,并且由一个基本接口组成,该接口定义了一个用于确定是否满足规则的方法,然后为每个不同的规则提供各种具体实现。据我所知,你的 switch 语句会变成某种简单的循环,只计算事物,直到你的规则组合得到满足或失败。

interface IRule {
    bool isSatisfied(SomeThing thing);

class RuleA: IRule {
    public bool isSatisfied(SomeThing thing) {

class RuleB: IRule {

class RuleC: IRule {


class OrRule: IRule {
    private readonly IRule[] rules;

    public OrRule(params IRule[] rules) {
        this.rules = rules;

    public isSatisfied(thing: Thing) {
        return this.rules.Any(r => r.isSatisfied(thing));

class AndRule: IRule {
    private readonly IRule[] rules;

    public AndRule(params IRule[] rules) {
        this.rules = rules;

    public isSatisfied(thing: Thing) {
        return this.rules.All(r => r.isSatisfied(thing));

// Helpers for AndRule / OrRule

static IRule and(params IRule[] rules) {
    return new AndRule(rules);

static IRule or(params IRule[] rules) {
    return new OrRule(rules);


class SomeService {
        public evaluate(IRule rule, Thing thing) {
            return rule.isSatisfied(thing);


// Compose a tree of rules
var rule = 
    and (
        new Rule1(),
        or (
            new Rule2(),
            new Rule3()

var thing = new Thing();

new SomeService().evaluate(rule, thing);


答案 2

