
2022-09-01 04:49:34


public interface Animal {
    public String getName();

 public class Cat implements Animal {

    private String mName = "Cat";
    private String mHabbit = "Playing with yarn";

    public String getName() {
        return mName;

    public void setName(String pName) {
        mName = pName;

    public String getHabbit() {
        return mHabbit;

    public void setHabbit(String pHabbit) {
        mHabbit = pHabbit;


public class Exhibit {

    private String mDescription;
    private Animal mAnimal;

    public Exhibit() {
        mDescription = "This is a public exhibit.";

    public String getDescription() {
        return mDescription;

    public void setDescription(String pDescription) {
        mDescription = pDescription;

    public Animal getAnimal() {
        return mAnimal;

    public void setAnimal(Animal pAnimal) {
        mAnimal = pAnimal;


public class GsonTest {

public static void main(String[] argv) {
    Exhibit exhibit = new Exhibit();
    exhibit.setAnimal(new Cat());
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String jsonString = gson.toJson(exhibit);
    Exhibit deserializedExhibit = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Exhibit.class);

因此,这可以很好地序列化 - 但可以理解的是,删除了动物上的类型信息:

{"mDescription":"This is a public exhibit.","mAnimal":{"mName":"Cat","mHabbit":"Playing with yarn"}}


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: No-args constructor for interface com.atg.lp.gson.Animal does not exist. Register an InstanceCreator with Gson for this type to fix this problem.


答案 1


  1. Create serialiser/deserialiser:

    final class InterfaceAdapter<T> implements JsonSerializer<T>, JsonDeserializer<T> {
        public JsonElement serialize(T object, Type interfaceType, JsonSerializationContext context) {
            final JsonObject wrapper = new JsonObject();
            wrapper.addProperty("type", object.getClass().getName());
            wrapper.add("data", context.serialize(object));
            return wrapper;
        public T deserialize(JsonElement elem, Type interfaceType, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
            final JsonObject wrapper = (JsonObject) elem;
            final JsonElement typeName = get(wrapper, "type");
            final JsonElement data = get(wrapper, "data");
            final Type actualType = typeForName(typeName); 
            return context.deserialize(data, actualType);
        private Type typeForName(final JsonElement typeElem) {
            try {
                return Class.forName(typeElem.getAsString());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new JsonParseException(e);
        private JsonElement get(final JsonObject wrapper, String memberName) {
            final JsonElement elem = wrapper.get(memberName);
            if (elem == null) throw new JsonParseException("no '" + memberName + "' member found in what was expected to be an interface wrapper");
            return elem;
  2. 让Gson将其用于您选择的接口类型:

    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Animal.class, new InterfaceAdapter<Animal>())

答案 2

将动物设置为 ,则不会对其进行序列化。transient



Gson 不能反序列化接口,因为它不知道将使用哪个实现类,因此您需要为 Animal 提供实例创建者并设置默认值或类似值。