//I assume that we need to create a JSONArray object from the following string
String jsonArrStr = "[ { \"ID\": \"135\", \"Name\": \"Fargo Chan\" },{ \"ID\": \"432\", \"Name\": \"Aaron Luke\" },{ \"ID\": \"252\", \"Name\": \"Dilip Singh\" }]";
JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray(jsonArrStr);
JSONArray sortedJsonArray = new JSONArray();
List<JSONObject> jsonValues = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArr.length(); i++) {
Collections.sort( jsonValues, new Comparator<JSONObject>() {
//You can change "Name" with "ID" if you want to sort by ID
private static final String KEY_NAME = "Name";
public int compare(JSONObject a, JSONObject b) {
String valA = new String();
String valB = new String();
try {
valA = (String) a.get(KEY_NAME);
valB = (String) b.get(KEY_NAME);
catch (JSONException e) {
//do something
return valA.compareTo(valB);
//if you want to change the sort order, simply use the following:
//return -valA.compareTo(valB);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArr.length(); i++) {
排序后的 JSONArray 现在存储在对象中。sortedJsonArray