How can I update state.item[1] in state using setState?

2022-08-29 23:24:45

I'm creating an app where the user can design his own form. E.g. specify name of the field and details of which other columns that should be included.

The component is available as a JSFiddle here.

My initial state looks like this:

var DynamicForm = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
   var items = {};
   items[1] = { name: 'field 1', populate_at: 'web_start',
                same_as: 'customer_name',
                autocomplete_from: 'customer_name', title: '' };
   items[2] = { name: 'field 2', populate_at: 'web_end',
                same_as: 'user_name', 
                    autocomplete_from: 'user_name', title: '' };

     return { items };

  render: function() {
     var _this = this;
     return (
         { Object.keys(this.state.items).map(function (key) {
           var item = _this.state.items[key];
           return (
               <PopulateAtCheckboxes this={this}
                 checked={item.populate_at} id={key} 
                   populate_at={data.populate_at} />
        }, this)}
        <button onClick={this.newFieldEntry}>Create a new field</button>
        <button onClick={this.saveAndContinue}>Save and Continue</button>

I want to update the state when the user changes any of the values, but I'm having a hard time to target the correct object:

var PopulateAtCheckboxes = React.createClass({
  handleChange: function (e) {
     item = this.state.items[1]; = 'newName';
     items[1] = item;
     this.setState({items: items});
  render: function() {
    var populateAtCheckbox = {
      return (
        <label for={value}>
          <input type="radio" name={'populate_at'} value={value}
            onChange={this.handleChange} checked={this.props.checked == value}
    }, this);
    return (
      <div className="populate-at-checkboxes">

How should I craft to get it to update ?this.setStateitems[1].name

答案 1

Here's how you can do it without helper libs:

handleChange: function (e) {
    // 1. Make a shallow copy of the items
    let items = [...this.state.items];
    // 2. Make a shallow copy of the item you want to mutate
    let item = {...items[1]};
    // 3. Replace the property you're intested in = 'newName';
    // 4. Put it back into our array. N.B. we *are* mutating the array here, 
    //    but that's why we made a copy first
    items[1] = item;
    // 5. Set the state to our new copy

You can combine steps 2 and 3 if you want:

let item = {
    name: 'newName'

Or you can do the whole thing in one line:

this.setState(({items}) => ({
    items: [
            name: 'newName',

Note: I made an array. OP used an object. However, the concepts are the same.items

You can see what's going on in your terminal/console:

❯ node
> items = [{name:'foo'},{name:'bar'},{name:'baz'}]
[ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' } ]
> clone = [...items]
[ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' } ]
> item1 = {...clone[1]}
{ name: 'bar' }
> = 'bacon'
> clone[1] = item1
{ name: 'bacon' }
> clone
[ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bacon' }, { name: 'baz' } ]
> items
[ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' }, { name: 'baz' } ] // good! we didn't mutate `items`
> items === clone
false // these are different objects
> items[0] === clone[0]
true // we don't need to clone items 0 and 2 because we're not mutating them (efficiency gains!)
> items[1] === clone[1]
false // this guy we copied

答案 2

You could use the update immutability helper for this:

  items: update(this.state.items, {1: {name: {$set: 'updated field name'}}})

Or if you don't care about being able to detect changes to this item in a lifecycle method using , you could edit the state directly and force the component to re-render - this is effectively the same as @limelights' answer, as it's pulling an object out of state and editing it.shouldComponentUpdate()===

this.state.items[1].name = 'updated field name'

Post-edit addition:

Check out the Simple Component Communication lesson from react-training for an example of how to pass a callback function from a state-holding parent to a child component which needs to trigger a state change.