
2022-09-01 06:23:04

空数组列表(以 null 作为其项)是否被视为 null?因此,基本上以下陈述是正确的:

if (arrayList != null) 


答案 1


ArrayList 可以是空的(或将 null 作为项),也可以不是 null。它将被视为空的。您可以使用以下命令检查 am empty ArrayList:

ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList();
    // Do something with the empty list here.

或者,如果要创建一个检查仅包含 null 的 ArrayList 的方法:

public static Boolean ContainsAllNulls(ArrayList arrList)
    if(arrList != null)
        for(object a : arrList)
            if(a != null) return false;

    return true;

答案 2

arrayList == null如果没有分配给变量的类的实例(请注意类的上写字母和变量的小写字母)。ArrayListarrayList

如果在任何时候,你这样做,那么因为 指向类的实例arrayList = new ArrayList()arrayList != nullArrayList


if(arrayList != null && !arrayList.isEmpty()) {
 //has items here. The fact that has items does not mean that the items are != null. 
 //You have to check the nullity for every item

else {
// either there is no instance of ArrayList in arrayList or the list is empty.

如果你不希望列表中有空项,我建议你用自己的类扩展 ArrayList 类,例如:

public class NotNullArrayList extends ArrayList{

public boolean add(Object o) 
   { if(o==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add null items to the list");
      else return super.add(o);


public class NullIsEmptyArrayList extends ArrayList{

public boolean isEmpty() 
   if(super.isEmpty()) return true;
   //Iterate through the items to see if all of them are null. 
   //You can use any of the algorithms in the other responses. Return true if all are null, false otherwise. 
   //You can short-circuit to return false when you find the first item not null, so it will improve performance.


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