2022-09-01 10:24:43
在Spring Framework中,似乎已被弃用。如何在Spring MVC Framework中实现多页表单。(我没有使用网络流)AbstractWizardFormController
在Spring Framework中,似乎已被弃用。如何在Spring MVC Framework中实现多页表单。(我没有使用网络流)AbstractWizardFormController
@Controller是定义表单/向导的更灵活方法。您应该根据请求的路径/请求参数/请求方法将方法映射到请求。因此,您可以根据需要定义向导的步骤(命令对象也将更透明地处理),而不是定义视图列表并根据某些必需的“step”参数处理请求)。下面介绍如何模拟经典的 AWFC 功能(这只是一个示例,您可以做更多的事情)。
public class WizardController {
* The default handler (page=0)
public String getInitialPage(final ModelMap modelMap) {
// put your initial command
modelMap.addAttribute("command", new YourCommandClass());
// populate the model Map as needed
return "initialView";
* First step handler (if you want to map each step individually to a method). You should probably either use this
* approach or the one below (mapping all pages to the same method and getting the page number as parameter).
@RequestMapping(params = "_step=1")
public String processFirstStep(final @ModelAttribute("command") YourCommandClass command,
final Errors errors) {
// do something with command, errors, request, response,
// model map or whatever you include among the method
// parameters. See the documentation for @RequestMapping
// to get the full picture.
return "firstStepView";
* Maybe you want to be provided with the _page parameter (in order to map the same method for all), as you have in
* AbstractWizardFormController.
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processPage(@RequestParam("_page") final int currentPage,
final @ModelAttribute("command") YourCommandClass command,
final HttpServletResponse response) {
// do something based on page number
return pageViews[currentPage];
* The successful finish step ('_finish' request param must be present)
@RequestMapping(params = "_finish")
public String processFinish(final @ModelAttribute("command") YourCommandClass command,
final Errors errors,
final ModelMap modelMap,
final SessionStatus status) {
// some stuff
return "successView";
@RequestMapping(params = "_cancel")
public String processCancel(final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response,
final SessionStatus status) {
return "canceledView";
我试图改变方法签名,以便您可以了解我提到的灵活性。当然,还有更多内容:您可以在 中使用请求方法(GET 或 POST),您可以定义一个注释有 的方法,等等。@RequestMapping
编辑:我有一个未映射的方法,我修复了它(顺便说一句,你需要确保你没有不明确的映射 - 可以映射到多个方法的请求 - 或未映射的请求 - 无法映射到任何方法的请求)。还可以查看@SessionAttributes,@SessionStatus和@ModelAttribute,这也是完全模拟经典AWFC行为所必需的(我已经编辑了代码以明确这一点)。