上面来自 assylias 的代码对解决这个问题非常有帮助。如果您不关心生成的PDF看起来与您的excel pdf导出完全相同,那么santhosh的答案可能会很棒。但是,如果您使用Apache POI填写Excel模板,然后尝试导出该模板,同时保留其外观,而不是在iText中编写大量代码只是为了尝试接近该外观,那么VBS选项非常好。
我将分享上面kotlin assylias的Java版本,以防万一对任何人有所帮助。所有这些都归功于assylias的解决方案的一般形式。
try {
//create a temporary file and grab the path for it
Path tempScript = Files.createTempFile("script", ".vbs");
//read all the lines of the .vbs script into memory as a list
//here we pull from the resources of a Gradle build, where the vbs script is stored
System.out.println("Path for vbs script is: '" + Main.class.getResource("xl2pdf.vbs").toString().substring(6) + "'");
List<String> script = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(Main.class.getResource("xl2pdf.vbs").toString().substring(6)));
// append test.xlsm for file name. savePath was passed to this function
String templateFile = savePath + "\\test.xlsm";
templateFile = templateFile.replace("\\", "\\\\");
String pdfFile = savePath + "\\test.pdf";
pdfFile = pdfFile.replace("\\", "\\\\");
System.out.println("templateFile is: " + templateFile);
System.out.println("pdfFile is: " + pdfFile);
//replace the placeholders in the vbs script with the chosen file paths
for (int i = 0; i < script.size(); i++) {
script.set(i, script.get(i).replaceAll("XL_FILE", templateFile));
script.set(i, script.get(i).replaceAll("PDF_FILE", pdfFile));
System.out.println("Line " + i + " is: " + script.get(i));
//write the modified code to the temporary script
Files.write(tempScript, script);
//create a processBuilder for starting an operating system process
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("wscript", tempScript.toString());
//start the process on the operating system
Process process = pb.start();
//tell the process how long to wait for timeout
Boolean success = process.waitFor(timeout, minutes);
if(!success) {
System.out.println("Error: Could not print PDF within " + timeout + minutes);
} else {
System.out.println("Process to run visual basic script for pdf conversion succeeded.");
} catch (Exception e) {
Alert saveAsPdfAlert = new Alert(AlertType.ERROR);
saveAsPdfAlert.setTitle("ERROR: Error converting to pdf.");
saveAsPdfAlert.setHeaderText("Exception message is:");
Option Explicit
Dim objExcel, strExcelPath, objSheet
strExcelPath = "XL_FILE"
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.WorkBooks.Open strExcelPath
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
objSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat 0, "PDF_FILE",0, 1, 0, , , 0