模型映射器,将 Entites 列表映射到 DTO 对象列表

2022-09-01 19:37:48

我正在使用Spring MVC框架编写简单的博客Web应用程序。我愿意向我的应用程序添加图层。DTO




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答案 1

您可以创建 util 类:

public class ObjectMapperUtils {

    private static final ModelMapper modelMapper;

     * Model mapper property setting are specified in the following block.
     * Default property matching strategy is set to Strict see {@link MatchingStrategies}
     * Custom mappings are added using {@link ModelMapper#addMappings(PropertyMap)}
    static {
        modelMapper = new ModelMapper();

     * Hide from public usage.
    private ObjectMapperUtils() {

     * <p>Note: outClass object must have default constructor with no arguments</p>
     * @param <D>      type of result object.
     * @param <T>      type of source object to map from.
     * @param entity   entity that needs to be mapped.
     * @param outClass class of result object.
     * @return new object of <code>outClass</code> type.
    public static <D, T> D map(final T entity, Class<D> outClass) {
        return modelMapper.map(entity, outClass);

     * <p>Note: outClass object must have default constructor with no arguments</p>
     * @param entityList list of entities that needs to be mapped
     * @param outCLass   class of result list element
     * @param <D>        type of objects in result list
     * @param <T>        type of entity in <code>entityList</code>
     * @return list of mapped object with <code><D></code> type.
    public static <D, T> List<D> mapAll(final Collection<T> entityList, Class<D> outCLass) {
        return entityList.stream()
                .map(entity -> map(entity, outCLass))

     * Maps {@code source} to {@code destination}.
     * @param source      object to map from
     * @param destination object to map to
    public static <S, D> D map(final S source, D destination) {
        modelMapper.map(source, destination);
        return destination;


List<PostDTO> listOfPostDTO = ObjectMapperUtils.mapAll(listOfPosts, PostDTO.class);

答案 2

考虑到您有一个 Post Entity () 列表和一个 PostDTO 类,您可以尝试以下操作:postEntityList


import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper;
import org.modelmapper.TypeToken;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;


Type listType = new TypeToken<List<PostDTO>>(){}.getType();
List<PostDTO> postDtoList = modelmapper.map(postEntityList,listType);
