java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial in java.library.path

2022-09-02 00:31:37

I am trying to use the 64 bit rxtx serial communication library (downloaded from cloudhopper) with 64bit windows 7 and eclipse. I get the message: . The dlls are in the dir as well as the . The is in the build path for eclipse as well as in the dir. I ran process monitor in the background and and see that , , and are all found and have been opened, So I am unclear as to why this problem is occurring. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial in java.library.path/jre/libWindows/System32RXTXcomm.jarjre/lib/extRXTXcomm.jarrxtxSerial.dllrxtxParallel.dll

Any suggestions.

答案 1

Go to Project -> properties -> Java build path ->Find your .jar. Click on + to open the JAR's properties. Select Native library location and edit it to point to RXTX's shared library (.DLL, .so, .dylib).

答案 2

You can install package from repo for Ubuntu. librxtx-java
