var self = this?

2022-08-30 01:31:30

使用实例方法作为事件处理程序的回调会将 范围从“我的实例”更改为“刚刚调用回调的任何内容”。所以我的代码看起来像这样this

function MyObject() {
  this.doSomething = function() {

  var self = this
  $('#foobar').bind('click', function(){
    // this.doSomething() would not work here


答案 1


var abc = 1; // we want to use this variable in embedded functions

function xyz(){
  console.log(abc); // it is available here!
  function qwe(){
    console.log(abc); // it is available here too!


// we want to use "this" variable in embedded functions

function xyz(){
  // "this" is different here!
  console.log(this); // not what we wanted!
  function qwe(){
    // "this" is different here too!
    console.log(this); // not what we wanted!


var abc = this; // we want to use this variable in embedded functions

function xyz(){
  // "this" is different here! --- but we don't care!
  console.log(abc); // now it is the right object!
  function qwe(){
    // "this" is different here too! --- but we don't care!
    console.log(abc); // it is the right object here too!

this在这方面不是唯一的:另一个伪变量应该以同样的方式处理 - 通过别名。arguments

答案 2



我通常在我的对象的顶部执行此操作(请原谅我的演示代码 - 它比其他任何东西都更具概念性,而不是关于优秀编码技术的课程):

function MyObject(){
  var me = this;

  Click = onClick; //Allows user to override onClick event with their own

  //Event Handlers
  onClick = function(args){
    me.MyProperty = args; //Reference me, referencing this refers to onClick
    //Do other stuff