错误的关键在于 类型为 : 的泛型声明。不起作用的语句是:首先,您有一个新的.因此,类的声明意味着 。根据 你的声明,必须是 a,在这种情况下是 a。因此,该参数必须采用 as 参数(由方法 references 和 满足)并返回 ,该参数的类型必须与函数的第二个参数相同。现在,让我们看看这是否适用于所有情况:F
F extends Function<T, R>
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, 4L);
T = MyInterface
Function<T, R>
Function<MyInterface, R>
// T = MyInterface, F = Function<MyInterface, Long>, R = Long
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getLong, 4L);
// T = MyInterface, F = Function<MyInterface, Number>, R = Number
// 4L explicitly widened to Number
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, (Number) 4L);
// T = MyInterface, F = Function<MyInterface, Number>, R = Number
// 4L implicitly widened to Number
new Builder<MyInterface>().<Function<MyInterface, Number>, Number>with(MyInterface::getNumber, 4L);
// T = MyInterface, F = Function<MyInterface, Number>, R = Number
// 4L implicitly widened to Number
new Builder<MyInterface>().with((Function<MyInterface, Number>) MyInterface::getNumber, 4L);
// T = MyInterface, F = Function<MyInterface, Number>, R = Long
// F = Function<T, not R> violates definition, therefore compilation error occurs
// Compiler cannot infer type of method reference and 4L at the same time,
// so it keeps the type of 4L as Long and attempts to infer a match for MyInterface::getNumber,
// only to find that the types don't match up
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, 4L);
// stick to Long
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getLong, 4L);
// stick to Number
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, (Number) 4L);
// explicitly convert the result of getNumber:
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(myInstance -> (Long) myInstance.getNumber(), 4L);
// explicitly convert the result of getLong:
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(myInterface -> (Number) myInterface.getLong(), (Number) 4L);
如果不强制转换就无法做到这一点,原因在于 Java 语言规范中的以下内容:
- 从布尔类型到布尔类型
- 从类型字节到类型字节
- 从类型短到类型短
- 从字符类型到字符类型
- 从类型 int 到类型整数
- 从键入长型到键入长型
- 从类型浮点数到类型浮点数
- 从双类型到双类型
- 从空类型到空类型
正如您可以清楚地看到的那样,不存在从 long 到 Number 的隐式装箱转换,并且只有当编译器确定它需要 Number 而不是 Long 时,才会发生从 Long 到 Number 的加宽转换。由于需要 Number 的方法引用与提供 Long 的 4L 之间存在冲突,因此编译器(出于某种原因???)无法实现 Long 是一个数字的逻辑飞跃,并推断出它是一个 .F
Function<MyInterface, Number>
public <R> Builder<T> with(Function<T, ? super R> getter, R returnValue) {
return null;//TODO
// doesn't work, as it should not work
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getLong, (Number), 4L);
// works, as it always did
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getLong, 4L);
// works, as it should work
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, (Number)4L);
// works, as you wanted
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::getNumber, 4L);
在花费更多时间之后,很难强制实施基于getter的类型安全性。下面是一个使用 setter 方法来强制构建器的类型安全性的工作示例:
public class Builder<T> {
static public interface MyInterface {
void number(Number number);
void Long(Long Long);
void string(String string);
Number number();
Long Long();
String string();
// whatever object we're building, let's say it's just a MyInterface for now...
private T buildee = (T) new MyInterface() {
private String string;
private Long Long;
private Number number;
public void number(Number number)
this.number = number;
public void Long(Long Long)
this.Long = Long;
public void string(String string)
this.string = string;
public Number number()
return this.number;
public Long Long()
return this.Long;
public String string()
return this.string;
public <R> Builder<T> with(BiConsumer<T, R> setter, R val)
setter.accept(this.buildee, val); // take the buildee, and set the appropriate value
return this;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// works:
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::Long, 4L);
// works:
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::number, (Number) 4L);
// compile time error, as it shouldn't work
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::Long, (Number) 4L);
// works, as it always did
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::Long, 4L);
// works, as it should
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::number, (Number)4L);
// works, as you wanted
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::number, 4L);
// compile time error, as you wanted
new Builder<MyInterface>().with(MyInterface::number, "blah");
如果提供了构造对象的类型安全功能,希望将来的某个时候我们能够从生成器返回不可变的数据对象(可能通过向接口添加方法,并将生成器指定为 ),因此您甚至不必担心修改生成的对象。老实说,获得类型安全的字段灵活构建器需要付出如此多的努力,这绝对是一种耻辱,但是如果没有一些新功能,代码生成或令人讨厌的反射量,这可能是不可能的。toRecord()
Builder<IntermediaryInterfaceType, RecordType>