使用 { } 对大型代码块进行分段以提高代码可读性 - 良好做法?




选项 1:不带 { } 标识的代码块

 public static String serviceMatch(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, RequestTypeEnum requestTypeEnum, ...censorsed..., RequestStatistics requestStatistics) {
  Request request;

  // We get the parser that fits the ...censorsed..., effectively transforming the HTTPReqeuest to application local "Request*" object
  RequestParser parser = RequestParserFactory.getParser(...censorsed...);

  // Populate basic parameters, the "heavy" data will be lazy loaded
  request = parser.parse(servletRequest);

  // Instead of polluting the parsers let's put it here... (unless we identify meaningful justifications for the other alternative of changing RequestParser.parse() interface.
  request.requestType = requestTypeEnum;

  // Store the request statistics object on the request, so that we have access to it from all over the code
  request.requestStatistics = requestStatistics;

  // Update timestamp when request was parsed
  request.requestStatistics._1_end_parseRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();

   * ...censorsed...
  MatchResult matchResult = Matcher.findMatch(...censorsed...);

   * ...censorsed...
  String reply = ReplyFormatFactory.getFormatter(...censorsed...

  // Update timestamp when reply finished construction
  request.requestStatistics._6_end_formatReply = System.currentTimeMillis();

  return reply;

选项 2:具有 { } 标识的代码块

 public static String serviceMatch(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, RequestTypeEnum requestTypeEnum, ...censorsed..., RequestStatistics requestStatistics) {
  Request request;

   * Request parsing block
   // We get the parser that fits the ...censorsed..., effectively transforming the HTTPReqeuest to application local "Request*" object
   RequestParser parser = RequestParserFactory.getParser(...censorsed...);

   // Populate basic parameters, the "heavy" data will be lazy loaded
   request = parser.parse(servletRequest);

   // Instead of polluting the parsers let's put it here... (unless we identify meaningful justifications for the other alternative of changing RequestParser.parse() interface.
   request.requestType = requestTypeEnum;

       // Store the request statistics object on the request, so that we have access to it from all over the code
   request.requestStatistics = requestStatistics;

  // Update timestamp when request was parsed
  request.requestStatistics._1_end_parseRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();

   * ...censorsed...
  MatchResult matchResult = Matcher.findMatch(...censorsed...);

   * ...censorsed...
  String reply = ReplyFormatFactory.getFormatter(...censorsed...

  // Update timestamp when reply finished construction
  request.requestStatistics._6_end_formatReply = System.currentTimeMillis();

  return reply;


答案 1

这些较小的方法具有更易于理解的优点,并且更易于重用(如果它们是“松散耦合的”)。请参阅单一责任原则{ }

答案 2

如果您认为将括号放在代码的某些部分(如选项 2 中)很方便,则应将其移至其自己的方法。这就是提高可读性的原因。

