Java for 循环在我的代码中没有终止

由于某种原因,我的 for 循环在我的 CapitalizeFirstSentence 方法中没有终止。我在该行设置了一个断点,条件(i != -1)未满足,因此循环应该终止,但它不会终止!



import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class SentenceCapitalizer {

    //Main Method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input; //creates a String to hold keyboard input

        //Prompt the user to enter a String using JOptionPane and set it equal to input
        input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a string. ");

        //Display the new String with the first letter of each sentenced capitalized
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, CapitalizeFirstSentence(input));

        //Exit the program

    //Capitalize first letter of each sentence
    public static String CapitalizeFirstSentence(String in)
        //Creates a StringBuilder object initiralized to the String argument "in"
        StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(in);

        //Capitalize first letter of the string if string length is > 0
        if (temp.length() > 0)
            temp.setCharAt(0, Character.toUpperCase(temp.charAt(0)));

        //sets i equal to index of the space, 
        //keep capitalizing first letters of each sentence (loops each time it capitlizes a letter)
        //until very end of the String
        for (int i = temp.indexOf(". ")+1; i != -1; i++)
            //Checks for extra spaces and moves index to first character of next sentence
            while (i < temp.length() && temp.charAt(i) == ' ')

            //Capitalize character
            temp.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(temp.charAt(i)));

            //Index the end of the sentence
            i = temp.indexOf(". ", i);

        //Convert temp to a String and return our new first-sentenced-capitalized String
        return temp.toString();



答案 1

首先,修改 for 循环中的循环控制变量不是一个好主意 - 很难阅读和理解此类代码,并且容易出错。


for (int i = temp.indexOf(". ")+1; i != -1; i++)


  • 初始化为 ,始终为 >= 0itemp.indexOf(". ")+1
  • 在以下情况下终止:i == -1
  • 每次迭代后,递增 1i


  • 在开始时,循环不会终止,因为初始化始终返回 >= 0
  • 每次迭代,循环体将设置,即 >= -1i = temp.indexOf(". ", i);
  • 每次迭代后,将递增 1,因此现在将>= 0i
  • 与> = 0一样,它永远不会满足条件,因此永远不会终止ii == -1

答案 2

此行:将 i 初始化为 indexOf + 1 的结果。如果没有命中,IndexOf 会给出 -1,但是在初始化期间,您始终会向该值添加 1,因此它永远不会小于 0。for (int i = temp.indexOf(". ")+1; i != -1; i++)

在那里使用似乎完全没问题。i > 0
