给定一个 Java InputStream,如何确定流中的当前偏移量?

2022-09-03 04:04:48



答案 1

您需要遵循 中建立的装饰器模式来实现此目的。java.io


import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

public final class PositionInputStream
  extends FilterInputStream

  private long pos = 0;

  private long mark = 0;

  public PositionInputStream(InputStream in)

   * <p>Get the stream position.</p>
   * <p>Eventually, the position will roll over to a negative number.
   * Reading 1 Tb per second, this would occur after approximately three 
   * months. Applications should account for this possibility in their 
   * design.</p>
   * @return the current stream position.
  public synchronized long getPosition()
    return pos;

  public synchronized int read()
    throws IOException
    int b = super.read();
    if (b >= 0)
      pos += 1;
    return b;

  public synchronized int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
    throws IOException
    int n = super.read(b, off, len);
    if (n > 0)
      pos += n;
    return n;

  public synchronized long skip(long skip)
    throws IOException
    long n = super.skip(skip);
    if (n > 0)
      pos += n;
    return n;

  public synchronized void mark(int readlimit)
    mark = pos;

  public synchronized void reset()
    throws IOException
    /* A call to reset can still succeed if mark is not supported, but the 
     * resulting stream position is undefined, so it's not allowed here. */
    if (!markSupported())
      throw new IOException("Mark not supported.");
    pos = mark;



PositionInputStream is = …
synchronized (is) {
  pos = is.getPosition();

答案 2

看看Commons IO包中的CountingInputStream。他们也有其他有用的输入流变体的相当不错的集合。
