如果调用 JNI DeleteGlobalRef(),相应的 java 对象是否会被垃圾回收?
2022-09-04 21:01:40
我的意思是,如果我在C++中创建一个全局引用 jobject,然后将其传递给一些 Java 代码,并删除调用 DeleteGlobalRef(),那么该底层 Java 对象是否会立即被垃圾回收,以便任何已经引用该对象的未来 Java 代码都可能返回 NullPointerException?具体来说,如果我有一些C++代码可以执行如下简化示例:
static jobject myObjGlobalRef;
static JNIEnv* env = /* call to create a JVM and get the JNI env */;
jobject ReturnMyObj()
/* <<Code that defines class, constructorId, and param1 goes here>> */
jobject localObj = env->NewObject(class, constructorId, param1);
myObjGlobalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(localObj);
void DeleteMyObj()
myObjGlobalRef = ReturnMyObj();
jobject otherExistingGlobalRef = /* Assume we get another global ref to another parent obj somewhere else */
/* ... other code here ... */
// Invoke some method on some other pre-existing global reference that uses
// myObjGlobalRef, lets assume this method stores the object referenced by
// myObjGlobalRef into a parent object referenced by otherExistingGlobalRef:
env->CallVoidMethod(env, otherExistingGlobalRef, addASubObjectMethodId, myObjGlobalRef);
// Does the pointed to by myObjGlobalRef still exist here, assuming that
// otherExistingGlobalRef now references it?
这在JNI中是如何工作的?对象上的“GlobalReference”是否只是对该对象的引用计数,因此如果我释放GlobalReference jobject,它不一定会对底层java对象进行垃圾回收,直到所有对它的引用(例如“父”对象otherExistingGlobalRef引用它)都消失了?
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