JRebel 处理 /WebContent 文件夹更改。
问题是Facelets执行缓存并且不重新读取更改的文件。要强制重读,请在 中指定以下参数。web.xml
JSF 2 (Facelets 2.x):
<!-- Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking. -->
<!-- Set the project stage to "Development", "UnitTest", "SystemTest", or "Production". -->
<!-- An optional parameter that makes troubleshooting errors much easier. -->
<!-- You should remove this context parameter before deploying to production! -->
对于 JSF 1.2(Facelets 1.x),参数为:
有关 JSF 上下文参数的更多信息:http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/6/JSF_Guide/en-US/html/jsf.reference.html#standard.config.params