在 Dijkstra 算法中将哪种数据类型用作队列?
我正在尝试在Java中实现Dijkstra的算法(自学)。我使用维基百科提供的伪代码(链接)。现在接近算法的末尾,我应该.我想我应该用BinaryHeap或类似的东西来实现Q?在这里使用的正确(内置)数据类型是什么?decrease-key v in Q;
private void dijkstra(int source) {
int[] dist = new int[this.adjacencyMatrix.length];
int[] previous = new int[this.adjacencyMatrix.length];
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < this.adjacencyMatrix.length; i++) {
dist[i] = this.INFINITY;
previous[i] = this.UNDEFINED;
dist[source] = 0;
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
// get node with smallest dist;
int u = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < this.adjacencyMatrix.length; i++) {
if(dist[i] < dist[u])
u = i;
// break if dist == INFINITY
if(dist[u] == this.INFINITY) break;
// remove u from q
for(int i = 0; i < this.adjacencyMatrix.length; i++) {
if(this.adjacencyMatrix[u][i] == 1) {
// in a unweighted graph, this.adjacencyMatrix[u][i] always == 1;
int alt = dist[u] + this.adjacencyMatrix[u][i];
if(alt < dist[i]) {
dist[i] = alt;
previous[i] = u;
// here's where I should "decrease the key"