
2022-09-01 21:32:35


一个特定的属性是,在所有情况下,圆和矩形始终具有 2 个交点。

答案 1

给定 2 个交叉点:

0 个顶点位于圆内:圆形线段的面积

    XXXXX              -------------------
   X     X               X            X Circular segment
  X       X               XX        XX 
+-X-------X--+              XXXXXXXX 
|  X     X   |
|   XXXXX    |

1 个顶点位于圆内:圆形线段和三角形的面积之和。

    XXXXX                   XXXXXXXXX
   X     X       Triangle ->X     _-X
  X       X                 X   _-  X 
  X    +--X--+              X _-   X <- Circular segment 
   X   | X   |              X-  XXX 
    XXXXX    |              XXXX
       |     | 

圆内有 2 个顶点:两个三角形和一条圆形线段的面积之和

    XXXXX                   +------------X
   X     X                  |      _--'/'X 
  X    +--X---    Triangle->|   _--   / X
  X    |  X                 |_--     /XX <- Circular segment
   X   +-X----              +-------XX
    XXXXX                 Triangle^

圆内有 3 个顶点:矩形的面积减去三角形的面积加上圆形线段的面积

   X  +--X+             XXX
  X   |   X         -------XXX-----+ <- Triangle outside
 X    |   |X        Rect ''.  XXX  |
 X    +---+X                ''.  XX|  
 X         X                   ''. X <- Circular segment inside 
  X       X                       ^|X 
   X     X                         | X 


答案 2


我想使用集成 - 这似乎是一个好主意。让我们从编写一个明显的公式来绘制圆圈开始:

x = center.x + cos(theta) * radius
y = center.y + sin(theta) * radius

|**###        **
| #*  #      *          * x
|#  *  #    *           # y
|#  *  #    *     
+-----------------------> theta
     *  #  *  # 
     *  #  *  #
      *  #*  #

这很好,但我无法将该圆的面积整合到 或 ;这些是不同的数量。我只能整合角度,产生比萨饼片的区域。不是我想要的。让我们尝试更改参数:xytheta

(x - center.x) / radius = cos(theta) // the 1st equation
theta = acos((x - center.x) / radius) // value of theta from the 1st equation
y = center.y + sin(acos((x - center.x) / radius)) * radius // substitute to the 2nd equation

那更像是这样。现在给定的范围,我可以积分,得到圆的上半部分的面积。这只适用于 in(其他值将导致虚数输出),但我们知道该范围之外的区域为零,因此可以轻松处理。为了简单起见,让我们假设单位圆,我们以后可以随时将中心和半径插回去:xyx[center.x - radius, center.x + radius]

y = sin(acos(x)) // x in [-1, 1]
y = sqrt(1 - x * x) // the same thing, arguably faster to compute http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sin%28acos%28x%29%29+

               ^ y
            ***|***     <- 1
        ****   |   ****
      **       |       **
     *         |         *
    *          |          *
----|----------+----------|-----> x
   -1                     1

这个函数确实有一个积分,因为它是单位圆的上半部分(半圆的面积是,我们已经说过单位,这意味着)。现在,我们可以通过积分来计算站在x轴上的半圆和无限高的盒子的交点面积(圆的中心也位于x轴上):pi/2pi * r^2 / 2r = 1y

f(x): integral(sqrt(1 - x * x) * dx) = (sqrt(1 - x * x) * x + asin(x)) / 2 + C // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt%281+-+x*x%29
area(x0, x1) = f(max(-1, min(1, x1))) - f(max(-1, min(1, x0))) // the integral is not defined outside [-1, 1] but we want it to be zero out there

        ~         ~
        |      ^  |
        |      |  |
        |   ***|***     <- 1
      **|######|##|    **
     *  |######|##|      *
    *   |######|##|       *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
   -1   x0        x1      1


g(x, h): integral((sqrt(1 - x * x) - h) * dx) = (sqrt(1 - x * x) * x + asin(x) - 2 * h * x) / 2 + C // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt%281+-+x*x%29+-+h
area(x0, x1, h) = g(min(section(h), max(-section(h), x1))) - g(min(section(h), max(-section(h), x0)))

        ~         ~
        |      ^  |
        |      |  |
        |   ***|***     <- 1
      **|######|##|    **
     *  +------+--+      *   <- h
    *          |          *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
   -1   x0        x1      1

其中,无限框的底部边缘与 x 轴的(正)距离。该函数计算单位圆与水平线相交的(正)位置,我们可以通过求解来定义它:hsectiony = h

sqrt(1 - x * x) = h // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt%281+-+x+*+x%29+%3D+h
section(h): (h < 1)? sqrt(1 - h * h) : 0 // if h is 1 or above, then the section is an empty interval and we want the area integral to be zero

               ^ y
            ***|***     <- 1
        ****   |   ****  
      **       |       **
-----*---------+---------*------- y = h
    *          |          *
----||---------+---------||-----> x
   -1|                   |1
-section(h)          section(h)

现在我们可以把事情做好了。那么如何计算一个有限盒子与 x 轴上方的单位圆相交的相交面积:

area(x0, x1, y0, y1) = area(x0, x1, y0) - area(x0, x1, y1) // where x0 <= x1 and y0 <= y1

        ~         ~                              ~         ~
        |      ^  |                              |      ^  |
        |      |  |                              |      |  |
        |   ***|***                              |   ***|*** 
        ****###|##|****                          ****---+--+****      <- y1
      **|######|##|    **                      **       |       **
     *  +------+--+      *   <- y0            *         |         *
    *          |          *                  *          |          *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x      ----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
        x0        x1                             x0        x1

        ****---+--+****      <- y1
      **|######|##|    **
     *  +------+--+      *   <- y0
    *          |          *
----|---|------+--|-------|-----> x
        x0        x1


  • 框位于 x 轴上方(使用上述等式)
  • 框位于 x 轴下方(翻转 y 坐标的符号并使用上述等式)
  • 盒子与x轴相交(将盒子分成上半部分和下半部分,使用上面的计算两者的面积并求和)


float section(float h, float r = 1) // returns the positive root of intersection of line y = h with circle centered at the origin and radius r
    assert(r >= 0); // assume r is positive, leads to some simplifications in the formula below (can factor out r from the square root)
    return (h < r)? sqrt(r * r - h * h) : 0; // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=r+*+sin%28acos%28x+%2F+r%29%29+%3D+h

float g(float x, float h, float r = 1) // indefinite integral of circle segment
    return .5f * (sqrt(1 - x * x / (r * r)) * x * r + r * r * asin(x / r) - 2 * h * x); // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=r+*+sin%28acos%28x+%2F+r%29%29+-+h

float area(float x0, float x1, float h, float r) // area of intersection of an infinitely tall box with left edge at x0, right edge at x1, bottom edge at h and top edge at infinity, with circle centered at the origin with radius r
    if(x0 > x1)
        std::swap(x0, x1); // this must be sorted otherwise we get negative area
    float s = section(h, r);
    return g(max(-s, min(s, x1)), h, r) - g(max(-s, min(s, x0)), h, r); // integrate the area

float area(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float r) // area of the intersection of a finite box with a circle centered at the origin with radius r
    if(y0 > y1)
        std::swap(y0, y1); // this will simplify the reasoning
    if(y0 < 0) {
        if(y1 < 0)
            return area(x0, x1, -y0, -y1, r); // the box is completely under, just flip it above and try again
            return area(x0, x1, 0, -y0, r) + area(x0, x1, 0, y1, r); // the box is both above and below, divide it to two boxes and go again
    } else {
        assert(y1 >= 0); // y0 >= 0, which means that y1 >= 0 also (y1 >= y0) because of the swap at the beginning
        return area(x0, x1, y0, r) - area(x0, x1, y1, r); // area of the lower box minus area of the higher box

float area(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1, float cx, float cy, float r) // area of the intersection of a general box with a general circle
    x0 -= cx; x1 -= cx;
    y0 -= cy; y1 -= cy;
    // get rid of the circle center

    return area(x0, x1, y0, y1, r);


printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // unit circle completely inside a huge box, area of intersection is pi
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 0, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(0, 10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -10, 0, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // half of unit circle inside a large box, area of intersection is pi/2
printf("%f\n", area(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1)); // unit box covering one quadrant of the circle, area of intersection is pi/4
printf("%f\n", area(-.5f, .5f, -.5f, .5f, 0, 0, 10)); // unit box completely inside a huge circle, area of intersection is 1
printf("%f\n", area(-20, -10, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (left), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(10, 20, -10, 10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (right), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, -20, -10, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (below), area of intersection is 0
printf("%f\n", area(-10, 10, 10, 20, 0, 0, 1)); // huge box completely outside a circle (above), area of intersection is 0




对于不与 x 轴相交的框,这将使用 6 sqrt、4 asin、8 div、16 mul 和 17 个 add,对于不与 x 轴相交的框,则使用该值的两倍(以及 1 个额外的添加)。请注意,除法是按半径划分的,可以减少到两个除法和一堆乘法。如果有问题的框与 x 轴相交,但未与 y 轴相交,则可以旋转所有内容,然后按原始成本进行计算。pi/2

我使用它作为调试亚像素精度抗锯齿圆光栅器的参考。它很慢,:),我需要计算圆与圆的边界框中每个像素的交集面积才能得到alpha。你可以看到它的工作原理,似乎没有数字伪影出现。下图是一堆圆的图,半径从0.3 px增加到大约6 px,呈螺旋形布局。
