Java ETL: hard to find a suitable one [closed]

2022-09-01 23:40:46

I'm looking for an embeddable Java ETL, i.e., an Extract Transform Load engine that can be called from Java code.

I'm finding it surprisingly hard to find a suitable one.

I'm mainly looking at loading delimited text files into database tables, with some minor transforms along the way.

I'd like the following features:

  • the ability to specify the simple mappings externally, e.g, text column 5 to database column foo, specified some xml mapping file
  • the ability to give the the database node a javax.sql.Datasource

CloverETL allows mapping to be specified in XML, but database connections must be either JNDI names or a properties file specifying driverClass, url, dbusername, password, etc. Since I already have s set up by my dependency injection framework, properties files seem painful and non-robust, especially if I want this to work in several environments (dev, test, prod).javax.sql.Datasource

KETL tells me that "We are currently in the process of completely overhauling our documentation for KETL™. Because of this, only the installation guide has been updated." Honest, but not helpful.

Octopus is now "", which is "under construction".

Pentaho seems to use the same "specify driverClass" style that CloverETL does, rather that using a datasource, but Pentaho's documentation for calling their engine from java code is just difficult to find.

Basically I'd really like to be able to do this pseudo-code:

        getInputFile( "input.csv" ) , 
        getXMLMapping( "myMappingFile.xml") ,
        new DatabaseWriter( getDatasource() );

Any suggestions?

答案 1

Disclosure: I'm the author of Scriptella ETL, but I believe this tool might be useful for your case.

It's a lightweight open source ETL with a one-liner integration with Java. It also supports Spring Framework and comes with built-in drivers for CSV, text, XML, Excel and other data-sources.

Example of importing a CSV file into a table:

  <connection id="in" driver="csv" url="data.csv" />
  <connection id="out" driver="oracle" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL" 
      classpath="ojdbc14.jar" user="scott" password="tiger" />
  <!-- Copy all CSV rows to a database table -->
  <query connection-id="in">
      <!-- Empty query means select all columns -->
      <script connection-id="out">
          INSERT INTO Table_Name VALUES (?id,?priority, ?summary, ?status)

Running from Java:

// Execute etl.xml file
EtlExecutor.newExecutor(new File("etl.xml")).execute();

Running from command-line:

scriptella [file_name]

Integration with Spring:

  1. Use driver and the name of the bean to references data-sources. Example:"spring"

    <connection id="spring" driver="spring" url="datasourceBeanName" />
  2. Add to the application context in order to execute the job:EtlExecutorBean

    <bean id="createDb" class="scriptella.driver.spring.EtlExecutorBean">
        <property name="configLocation" value="create-db.etl.xml" />
        <property name="progressIndicator"><ref local="progress" /></property>
        <property name="autostart" value="true" /> <!-- Etl will be run during app context initialization -->

For additional details see the Spring example.

答案 2

Do you know Talend?

It's a tool based on Eclipse (Talend Open Studio), but you can use it directly in Java by writing your own code or by exporting jobs to Java classes.
