2022-08-31 14:07:24
@Query("UPDATE Admin SET firstname = :firstname, lastname = :lastname, login = :login, superAdmin = :superAdmin, preferenceAdmin = :preferenceAdmin, address = :address, zipCode = :zipCode, city = :city, country = :country, email = :email, profile = :profile, postLoginUrl = :postLoginUrl WHERE id = :id")
public void update(@Param("firstname") String firstname, @Param("lastname") String lastname, @Param("login") String login, @Param("superAdmin") boolean superAdmin, @Param("preferenceAdmin") boolean preferenceAdmin, @Param("address") String address, @Param("zipCode") String zipCode, @Param("city") String city, @Param("country") String country, @Param("email") String email, @Param("profile") String profile, @Param("postLoginUrl") String postLoginUrl, @Param("id") Long id);
adminRepository.update("Toto", "LeHeros", admin0.getLogin(), admin0.getSuperAdmin(), admin0.getPreferenceAdmin(), admin0.getAddress(), admin0.getZipCode(), admin0.getCity(), admin0.getCountry(), admin0.getEmail(), admin0.getProfile(), admin0.getPostLoginUrl(), admin0.getId());
Admin loadedAdmin = adminRepository.findOne(admin0.getId());
assertEquals("Toto", loadedAdmin.getFirstname());
assertEquals("LeHeros", loadedAdmin.getLastname());
我可以在日志中看到更新 sql 语句:
update admin set firstname='Toto', lastname='LeHeros', login='stephane', super_admin=0, preference_admin=0,
address=NULL, zip_code=NULL, city=NULL, country=NULL, email='stephane@thalasoft.com', profile=NULL,
post_login_url=NULL where id=2839
但是日志显示没有可能与查找器相关的 sql:
Admin loadedAdmin = adminRepository.findOne(admin0.getId());
The finder sql statement is not making its way to the database.
adminRepository.update("Toto", "LeHeros", "qwerty", admin0.getSuperAdmin(), admin0.getPreferenceAdmin(), admin0.getAddress(), admin0.getZipCode(), admin0.getCity(), admin0.getCountry(), admin0.getEmail(), admin0.getProfile(), admin0.getPostLoginUrl(), admin0.getId());
Admin loadedAdmin = adminRepository.findOne(admin0.getId());
Admin myadmin = adminRepository.findByEmail(admin0.getEmail());
Admin anadmin = adminRepository.findByLogin("qwerty");
assertEquals("Toto", anadmin.getFirstname());
assertEquals("Toto", myadmin.getFirstname());
assertEquals("Toto", loadedAdmin.getFirstname());
assertEquals("LeHeros", loadedAdmin.getLastname());
assertEquals("Toto", myadmin.getFirstname());
TRACE [BasicExtractor] found [1037] as column [id14_]
mysql> insert into admin (version, address, city, country, email, firstname, lastname, login, password,
-> password_salt, post_login_url, preference_admin, profile, super_admin, zip_code) values (0,
-> NULL, NULL, NULL, 'zemail@thalasoft.com039', 'zfirstname039', 'zlastname039', 'zlogin039',
-> 'zpassword039', '', NULL, 0, NULL, 1, NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
mysql> select * from admin;
| id | version | firstname | lastname | login | password | password_salt | super_admin | preference_admin | address | zip_code | city | country | email | profile | post_login_url |
| 1807 | 0 | zfirstname039 | zlastname039 | zlogin039 | zpassword039 | | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | zemail@thalasoft.com039 | NULL | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> update admin set firstname='Toto', lastname='LeHeros', login='qwerty', super_admin=0, preference_admin=0, address=NULL, zip_code=NULL, city=NULL, country=NULL, email='stephane@thalasoft.com', profile=NULL, post_login_url=NULL where id=1807;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from admin; +------+---------+-----------+----------+--------+--------------+---------------+-------------+------------------+---------+----------+------+---------+------------------------+---------+----------------+
| id | version | firstname | lastname | login | password | password_salt | super_admin | preference_admin | address | zip_code | city | country | email | profile | post_login_url |
| 1807 | 0 | Toto | LeHeros | qwerty | zpassword039 | | 0 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | stephane@thalasoft.com | NULL | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select admin0_.id as id14_, admin0_.version as version14_, admin0_.address as address14_, admin0_.city as city14_, admin0_.country as country14_, admin0_.email as email14_, admin0_.firstname as firstname14_, admin0_.lastname as lastname14_, admin0_.login as login14_, admin0_.password as password14_, admin0_.password_salt as password11_14_, admin0_.post_login_url as post12_14_, admin0_.preference_admin as preference13_14_, admin0_.profile as profile14_, admin0_.super_admin as super15_14_, admin0_.zip_code as zip16_14_ from admin admin0_ where admin0_.email='stephane@thalasoft.com' limit 2;
| id14_ | version14_ | address14_ | city14_ | country14_ | email14_ | firstname14_ | lastname14_ | login14_ | password14_ | password11_14_ | post12_14_ | preference13_14_ | profile14_ | super15_14_ | zip16_14_ |
| 1807 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | stephane@thalasoft.com | Toto | LeHeros | qwerty | zpassword039 | | NULL | 0 | NULL | 0 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select admin0_.id as id14_, admin0_.version as version14_, admin0_.address as address14_, admin0_.city as city14_, admin0_.country as country14_, admin0_.email as email14_, admin0_.firstname as firstname14_, admin0_.lastname as lastname14_, admin0_.login as login14_, admin0_.password as password14_, admin0_.password_salt as password11_14_, admin0_.post_login_url as post12_14_, admin0_.preference_admin as preference13_14_, admin0_.profile as profile14_, admin0_.super_admin as super15_14_, admin0_.zip_code as zip16_14_ from admin admin0_ where admin0_.login='qwerty' limit 2;
| id14_ | version14_ | address14_ | city14_ | country14_ | email14_ | firstname14_ | lastname14_ | login14_ | password14_ | password11_14_ | post12_14_ | preference13_14_ | profile14_ | super15_14_ | zip16_14_ |
| 1807 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | stephane@thalasoft.com | Toto | LeHeros | qwerty | zpassword039 | | NULL | 0 | NULL | 0 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)