Java 标记的联合/总和类型

2022-08-31 17:32:24


data Either a b = Left a | Right b


public class Either<L,R>
    private L left = null;
    private R right = null;

    public static <L,R> Either<L,R> right(R right)
        return new Either<>(null, right);

    public static <L,R> Either<L,R> left(L left)
        return new Either<>(left, null);

    private Either(L left, R right) throws IllegalArgumentException
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;
        if (left != null && right != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("An Either cannot be created with two values");
        if (left == right)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("An Either cannot be created without a value");



public class Left<L> extends Either<L,?>


答案 1


使用抽象方法来模拟穷举模式匹配,并在静态工厂方法返回的具体类型中适当地重写。在 方面实现方便的方法(如 fromLeftfromRightbimapfirstsecond)。either

import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;

public abstract class Either<A, B> {
    private Either() {}

    public abstract <C> C either(Function<? super A, ? extends C> left,
                                 Function<? super B, ? extends C> right);

    public static <A, B> Either<A, B> left(A value) {
        return new Either<A, B>() {
            public <C> C either(Function<? super A, ? extends C> left,
                                Function<? super B, ? extends C> right) {
                return left.apply(value);

    public static <A, B> Either<A, B> right(B value) {
        return new Either<A, B>() {
            public <C> C either(Function<? super A, ? extends C> left,
                                Function<? super B, ? extends C> right) {
                return right.apply(value);

    public Optional<A> fromLeft() {
        return this.either(Optional::of, value -> Optional.empty());


关于您尝试解决的问题,请考虑 签名 。类型参数不会显示在参数列表中。因此,给定某种类型的值,您可以获得任何类型的。class Left<L> extends Either<L,?><A, B> Either<A, B> left(A value)BAEither<A, B>B

答案 2


left :: a -> (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> r
left x l _ = l x

right :: b -> (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> r
right x _ r = r x

match :: (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> ((a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> r) -> r
match l r k = k l r

-- Or, with a type synonym for convenience:

type Either a b r = (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> r

left :: a -> Either a b r
right :: b -> Either a b r
match :: (a -> r) -> (b -> r) -> Either a b r -> r


public interface Either<A, B> {
    <R> R match(Function<A, R> left, Function<B, R> right);

public final class Left<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {

    private final A value;

    public Left(A value) {
        this.value = value;

    public <R> R match(Function<A, R> left, Function<B, R> right) {
        return left.apply(value);


public final class Right<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {

    private final B value;

    public Right(B value) {
        this.value = value;

    public <R> R match(Function<A, R> left, Function<B, R> right) {
        return right.apply(value);



Either<Integer, String> result = new Left<Integer, String>(42);
String message = result.match(
  errorCode -> "Error: " + errorCode.toString(),
  successMessage -> successMessage);

为方便起见,您可以创建一个用于创建和值的工厂,而不必每次都提及类型参数;您还可以添加可接受的版本,而不是如果您想要在不产生结果的情况下进行模式匹配的选项。LeftRightmatchConsumer<A> left, Consumer<B> rightFunction<A, R> left, Function<B, R> right
