Redefinition failed with error 62 while trying to profile an application

2022-08-31 16:57:42

If I try to profile application, (which is prepared under Eclipse, but running from command line) with the help of VisualVM, I get the following error message

enter image description here

Simultaneously, the project folder is fouled with newly created class files. Although they are already existing in .target/classes

The project structure is Maven's, i.e. there is a foder in current directory and I us the following command to run the applicationtarget/classes

java -Xmx16g -cp target/classes tests.Runner01

How to fix?


The same occurs with conventional java project too.

Below it the picture of populated class files, which located where they should not

enter image description here

答案 1

Here appears a workaround: run profiled application with -Xverify:none

答案 2

According to this GitHub issue, it's been fixed. Updating to version 1.4 solved the problem for me.
