答案 1
javadocs package com.google.gwt.cell.client in 2.1
当代码位于 bikeshed 中时,将此行添加到 gwt.xml 文件中:
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.requestfactory.RequestFactory'/>
- 文本单元格列表具有页面大小页面
- 文本文本的单元格列表具有简单页面
- 带有SimplePager和PageSizePager(buggy)的文本单元格列表和
- 具有字符串标题和文本单元格标题的单元格表
package dpw.client;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellList;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.PageSizePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.SimplePager;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.TextColumn;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.Header;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListViewAdapter;
public class Index implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
// create some data
ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
// create a ListViewAdapter
ListViewAdapter<String> lva = new ListViewAdapter<String>();
// give the ListViewAdapter our data
// CellList of TextCells with PageSizePager
CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
// set the initial pagesize to 2
// add the CellLists to the adaptor
// create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 2);
// add the CellList to the page
// add the PageSizePager to the page
RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));
// CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager
CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
// set the initial pageSize to 2
// add the CellLists to the adaptor
// create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,
// add the CellList to the page
// add the Pager to the page
RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));
// CellList of TextCells with a SimplePager and PageSizePager
CellList<String> cl = new CellList<String>(new TextCell());
// set the initial pageSize to 2
// add the CellLists to the adaptor
// create a PageSizePager, giving it a handle to the CellList
PageSizePager<String> psp = new PageSizePager<String>(cl, 1);
// create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellList
SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(cl,
// add the CellList to the page
// add the Pager to the page
// add the PageSizePager to the page
RootPanel.get().add(new HTML("<hr />"));
// CellTable
CellTable<String> ct = new CellTable<String>();
// add a column with a simple string header
ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {
public String getValue(String object) {
return object;
}, "String Header");
//add a column with a TextCell header
ct.addColumn(new TextColumn<String>() {
public String getValue(String object) {
return "%" + object + "%";
}, new Header<String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue() {
return "TextCell Header";
// create a pager, giving it a handle to the CellTable
SimplePager<String> pager = new SimplePager<String>(ct,
// add the CellList to the page
// add the Pager to the page
答案 2
public class CellTableDemo implements EntryPoint
public void onModuleLoad( )
CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = createTable( );
addColumns( cellTable );
ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO> listViewAdapter = new ListViewAdapter<SomeDTO>( );
listViewAdapter.setList( getData( ) );
listViewAdapter.addView( cellTable );
RootPanel.get( ).add( new SimplePager<SomeDTO>( cellTable, SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER ) );
RootPanel.get( ).add( cellTable );
private CellTable<SomeDTO> createTable( )
CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable = new CellTable<SomeDTO>( );
cellTable.setSelectionEnabled( true );
cellTable.setSelectionModel( new SingleSelectionModel<SomeDTO>( ) );
cellTable.setPageSize( 5 );
cellTable.setPageStart( 0 );
return cellTable;
private void addColumns( CellTable<SomeDTO> cellTable )
Column<SomeDTO, String> colA = new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new TextInputCell( ) )
public String getValue( SomeDTO object )
return object.getA( );
colA.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, String>( ) // updates changes into the backing bean
public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, String value )
object.setA( value );
} );
cellTable.addColumn( colA, "String Column A" );
cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, Integer>( new CurrencyCell( ) )
public Integer getValue( SomeDTO object )
return object.getB( );
}, "Currency Column B" );
Column<SomeDTO, Boolean> colC = new Column<SomeDTO, Boolean>( new CheckboxCell( ) )
public Boolean getValue( SomeDTO object )
return object.getC( );
colC.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Boolean>( )
public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Boolean value )
object.setC( value );
} );
cellTable.addColumn( colC, "Boolean Column C" );
Column<SomeDTO, Date> colD = new Column<SomeDTO, Date>( new DatePickerCell( ) )
public Date getValue( SomeDTO object )
return object.getD( );
colD.setFieldUpdater( new FieldUpdater<SomeDTO, Date>( )
public void update( int index, SomeDTO object, Date value )
object.setD( value );
} );
cellTable.addColumn( colD, "Date Column D" );
cellTable.addColumn( new Column<SomeDTO, String>( new ActionCell<String>( "Click of summary of this row", new Delegate<String>( )
public void execute( String row )
Window.alert( row );
} ) )
public String getValue( SomeDTO row )
return row.getSummary( );
} );
private ArrayList<SomeDTO> getData( )
ArrayList<SomeDTO> tableData = new ArrayList<SomeDTO>( );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "A", 10, true, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AA", 200, false, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAA", 3000, true, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAA", 40, false, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAA", 500, true, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAA", 6000, false, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAA", 70, true, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAA", 800, false, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAA", 9000, true, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAA", 10, false, new Date( ) ) );
tableData.add( new SomeDTO( "AAAAAAAAAAA", 11, true, new Date( ) ) );
return tableData;
public class SomeDTO
private String a;
private Integer b;
private Boolean c;
private Date d;
public SomeDTO( String a, Integer b, Boolean c, Date d )
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
public String getA( )
return a;
public void setA( String a )
this.a = a;
public Integer getB( )
return b;
public void setB( Integer b )
this.b = b;
public Boolean getC( )
return c;
public void setC( Boolean c )
this.c = c;
public Date getD( )
return d;
public void setD( Date d )
this.d = d;
public String getSummary( )
return getA( ) + " " + getB( ) + " " + getC( ) + " " + getD( );
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